Stream Archive of Knee's Online Ranked Matches (2/27)

For those who don't know, Knee streams online Tekken from time to time on the Korean live streaming service: afreecaTV. Yesterday he streamed a long online session that includes the entire Yuuji Cup as well as normal ranked match play up against Japanese players like Nobi, Yuttari Yuuki and Special Pikoham. It looks like the connection quality between Korea to Japan holds up well since the matches all look pretty good. There's a complete archive of the online battles up on Knee's afreeca page. (Click below for an embed of it.)
▌Knee Ranked Matches (2/27)
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Knee = Ravenda85
Nobi = nobi_bemi (Matches with him starts at 4 hours and 49 minutes in)
Yuttari Yuuki = ytr_yu-ki
Special Pikoham = pkhm_ko-ki
Reader Comments (2)
Knee the onlinewarrior
Doesn't load for me.