SCR2014 TTT2 Entire Tournament Archive
Sunday, March 2, 2014 at 1:16PM

IEBattlegrounds managed to stream the entirety of pool play for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 yesterday while the secondary Leveluplive stream captured the top 8, and it was awesome. A lot of upsets took place along with masterful displays of prowess in this game we play. Catch everything in these archives below.
Pool Play (starts in 39:00)
Watch live video from IEBattleGrounds on TwitchTV
Top 8 (starts in 10:41:00)
Reader Comments (23)
Meh! It's characters like Yosimitsu that are one of the main reasons Tekken is dying! A character based solely on confusing and shennanigans. The whole idea of idiotic characters like Yoshimitsu and Lei are that opponent doesn't know what's going on because you can't see where the attack is coming if you haven't studied the moveslist.
This is the kind of bullshit that is killing Tekken. 60+ characters with 200+ moveslist and some characters with even more confusing stances and longer moveslist. I hope Harada soon commits harakiri.
Yeap, the classic Tekken characters that made Tekken what it is in the first place are now "one of the main reasons Tekken is dying". Seams legit...
Dat gif though
JFJ plays in the oldschool way and it's awesome to watch. Anybody have the time sig for that gif?
I'm so pissed about Gagguni. He did so many, many random stuff... and yes, i'm a bear user too.
TTT2 SCR 2014 brackets, match log, and all that good stuff
Really great matches! And good character diversity.
Begins at 12:37:07.
@ Mr. Turtle
Are you a fucking retard or just pretending to be? the 'classic' Yoshimitsu har 50 moves. In TTT2 he probably has over 300. That's the main fucking problem. Too much overload. Everything is overkill. Too m any chars, too many moves. 24 diffferent ways to get up from the ground after being knocked down. Pure bullshit! Harada needs to commit harakiri!
Miley Cyrus is an idiot. This is Tekken, if you don't like it go play street fighter.
So I guess C.Viper ,ElFuerte and Akuma are hurting Street FIghter since their play-style is based on 50/50( "shenanigans") similar to Lei or Yoshi. I don't hear Street Fighter fans cry when Viper burn kick her way to the top of EvO or Gen ambiguous crossup his way to EVO win or Pongko Seth mixups that rampaged that one EVO. Look at Wao Oni doing a lot of unsafe mixups and stomping the uninformed on his way to top 8 in SCR2014. I would be convinced that Tekken is any different if various mixup characters don't cheese their way to EVO wins in street Fighter also.
This Tekken is Hard shit is getting old. Tekken only seems complicated because it has a lot of characters with a large movelist. But it really isnt that complicated. The sheninigans(mixup) are easy to learn once a player has some experience playing the matchup, much the same with Street Fighter matchups. The large move-list maybe a turnoff but it takes little time to figure out the important moves, the rest are just flashy fillers. It takes far more time to master the finger gymnastics in Street Fighter than to learn a characters movelist in Tekken. Street Fighter has a level of simplicity that attract new players that think being able to do a DP is skill ,but to be Tournament worthy it goes far deeper, much like getting good at Tekken or any other game.
If you could play Tekken 6, you have no excuse for not being able to play TTT2. Nobody was complaining about T6 being too complex.
Who the fuck are you guys trying to persuade? Me? Or yourself? Why is Tekken dying then? Your 'god' Aris is also saying this Tekken is too complicated with too many characters and have too many factors to consider. It is overkill in every part of the game. Rip says so, basically every top player who complains about this game, the complain is about the retarded levels of details you have to know.
LOL @ the guy comparing Tekken to SF. C.Viper doesn't have 200+ moves. Therefor the rest of your argument is invalid (because my hair is a bird).
@Ohyes; having 4 characters to consider at once, yes, TTT2 is exponentially more difficult than T6, which had the presise balance of complexity and depth, but still accessability. TTT2 killed Tekken as a series. Harada needs to commit harakiri.
I wonder if I twitter it enough time to him, he probably would do it. Good riddance then!
@Miley Cyrus
My apologies good sir, I've assumed you're man of average intelligence and hence capable of figuring out the fallacy of your statements on your own, without me explicitly stating it. My mistake, it wont happen again. So worry not; I'll spell it out for you.
You see, you didn't just say that TTT2's problem is the number of characters and number of moves per character (a valid complaint btw), you've specifically said it was the certain character's play styles. Now, to unskilled observer (read: ppl who can't use the basics of logic right), this may seem closely connected, but its actually not.
a) There isn't any reason to believe that ppl would prefer game with many characters that play basically the same, over the one with same number of characters but in which all play differently. Actually, you would have much easier time arguing the opposite, since ppl usually praise the diversity and uniqueness of characters and their play styles in particular fighting game. So the arguments in the line of "it's certain character's play styles that are the problem" (when these char's play styles have worked in the past) simply don't fly. A game with too many chars which are unique and diverse is still better than game with too many chars which are boring and play the same; in the end the problem is too many characters.
b) The number of moves has grown for each and every character, so although you can say that this means that now you can get away with stupid shit more than before, it still doesn't mean that it inherently benefits any character in particular more than another. What matters is your character experience and too many characters with broad move lists pose a problem in getting it. But it still has nothing to do with particular character play style. And FYI Yoshi has cca 150 moves in his official move list and Tekken's wake up system has been virtually unchanged from Tk3 and nobody complained about it then lol.
Also wtf does "The whole idea of idiotic characters like Yoshimitsu and Lei are that opponent doesn't know what's going on because you can't see where the attack is coming if you haven't studied the moveslist." mean? Strong mixup potential? Unconventional movement options? That you'll get own by shit you haven't seen before? What exactly? Do you even know? Are Mishimas "idiotic" characters by your "logic" too? Thats rhetorical question btw...
So I hope that clarifies everything up good sir, I've tried to be specific as possible. Knowing you "mighty internet warrior" types, you'll probably came back for more, but be warned that I'll probably just refer you back to this comment.
Kind regards,
Hi I'm the mayor of Assumption City
[1]Tekken is to hard to play.
No it isn't, it's hard to master. Most mid level players have fun online without knowing even what a KBD is.
Want to know what was hard? Go back pre internet days when you were happy to have a crappy .wmv from a japanese player somewhere playing your character and no framelists. Go back to pre onlinegameplay ment you had only really played against 3-4 members of the cast at a high level.
Tekken is as hard as you make it to be, play jack do df2 or db2 have fun. Besides; one could even argue that the difficulty of the game has gone down where it's always mattered i.e execution. Memory was never what made tekken a "hard game" (p.s try reading a GGX combo which would be 3 A4 pages long for reference or grinding KOF/SNK combos down in practice). Also; you don't have to remember everything about every character (more like 5 punishable moves) stop trying to blame the game on your own shortcomings. That is "I lost cause I didn't know what all his 200 moves were on block! I'm better than him! >:("
Who gives a shit? There are tons of Japanese and Korean 3d fightinggame players who are great and would kick your ass who don't even care about the concept of frames.
[2] Total understanding of a game makes it more fun!
Says who? You can have fun with a game without understanding ever aspect of it. You're blind cause you are so deep into tekken but a LOT of other fightinggames have near impossible skillroofs. Skill and understanding of a game, once again, has nothing to do with the number of moves in a movelist. Tekkenplayers in general have their heads so far up their ass thinking they could walk over and be succesful at SF / KOF / Marvel and what not at once cause their game is harder to learn.
[3] Mixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxuppppps is why I lost! >:(
This has to be argued by the "200+ moves!" people as a sort of false logical conclusion and natural step to their so called argument but it's false. Tekken mixups are weak. You break throws on reaction, you guard launcher lows on reactions (and they are staggerblock or launch). Block. No really. Tekken defense is movement and reactionbased - not forced guessingames (for instance as VF has). Stancebased characters aren't on top of the food chain in this game. Yoshimitsu didn't win for JFJ; the amount of time and work he's put into the game wins things for JFJ. I mean, what, he's come up with 5-10 innovative and effective things with his team on his own? Look at Naps, squeesing out the last point of damage from every situation also.
Midlevel players bitch at forums, top players play.
[4] "But, but, I don't have the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime! I don't want to study for a game!"
Then GTFO? Why are you even here, let those who actually find enjoyment in the game play it instead of crying, there are other games for you to play. It's just a fucking TV console game with no pro-money in it to be found. Why so srs? I don't give a fuck why you stopped playing the game. I honestly don't.
A shitty player expects a game to adapt to himself, a good player adapts to the game.
[5] "But why is the game dying if I'm not RIGHT!"
Because in the real world the answer to questions are often more complicated than that. Newsflash; a cutting down on the character roster wouldn't please newcoming players - it would more please veterans. Go out to an average Joe on the street and say "Hey, we cut down your SF cast by half" and compare it to the positive responses you get from "We added four new characters!". Or do you honestly expect answers of the like "Oh really? No, then I don't want to try your game out cause I was recently studying the framedata of Blanka and I can't be bothered now putting time into the intricacies of your new product good Sir!" Fightinggame players want to think otherwise but deep down for casual players fightinggames are more partygames then anything else. And boobs. And fatalities.
Go fuck yerself, have a coke and smile a little. It's just a game.
Also; this seems appropriate in this thread lol
@ both of the above guys:
What did you even prove? Who are you trying to persuade, I ask? Me or yourself?
No matter how you put it, all your (and my) arguments will cook down to the fact that Tekkens problem is that it has way too many factors to consider. Be it the moveslist, the mixups, the characters, the frames, or all the other gameplay factors, or the time each individual player has to practice it.
Saying that it doesn't matter that a character has long movelist just because the cast is diverse doesn't really dispute my argument. It actually helps it.
Also, why are you even arguing about this? It is pretty much totally agreed upon that TTT2 is dying all over the place (minus a few asian countries) EXACTLY because the level of studying you need to do to even enjoy the game at mediocre levels, is way too high for most people to care about this game. People aren't playing it bacause of all those reasons Aris and Rip and other top players have stated thousands of times before. The TTT2 overkill factor.
And why Reality keeps bringing SF up, I don't know. That game already has a smaller cast with shorter moveslist and therefor it isn't nearly as complex and overwhelming as Tekken.
Reality's point #5 that it wouldn't please people to cut the cast. Are you serious?? Of course you can't ask random people who doesn't know a shit about the game or even how fighting games work. Of course you have to ask people that have played the game and know how to actaully play it properly and then figure out why they aren't playing it anymore and what would make them come back. Cutting the cast and making the moveslist shorter is one very important way to go.
Making the crushsystem better by not rewarding desperate moves is another way. And them combos, my god, who thinks it's a good idea to lose 70% life with one combo? There should maybe in T7 be another bar that after it's fileld up by whatever machanics, it could be chosen to be used for either combobreaking or that your next attack would count as a counterhit or something.
There are tons of ways to keep Tekken interesting and evolving without this lazy approach Namco has been taking by only adding more and more characters and making the moveslist longer and longer. Tell me one person who like the 15 hit combos that drain 70% of your life. Who thinks that's ok?
Them long ass posts. And each one is retarded.
@Miley Cyrus
Lol, posting raging opinionated comments and then getting frustrated when ppl reply - classic.
"Saying that it doesn't matter that a character has long movelist just because the cast is diverse doesn't really dispute my argument. It actually helps it." Ha?! Is this supposed to be reply to me? Cause it sure doesn't reply to any of my points or has anything to do with my post (it actually isn't reply at all, cause it only asserts opinion, without backing it up with anything, not that it matters anyway).
And if you want to reply to me, then do so. Don't pack me with other ppl, cause I have nothing to do with your little debate (Tekken is failing because its generally to hard, to complex, to random, to whatever...). I have specifically called you on something else. So please refer to my previous comments, cause I sure wont be repeating my self lol
I think both Miley and Turtle have good points. As in the T3 posts, I do have some gripes about TTT2, but its not b/c the game sucks. The game is actually amazing, well balanced, and incredibly deep. The ironic thing is that it has all the things I would've asked for in a video game including all the above along with lots of characters and even "fan service" like a young Heihachi. I guess it's a case of "be careful what you wish for" b/c I got it and it was just too much.
I can see Harada's vision and its wonderful, but man you gotta admit, it takes so much work to really get into the game. If you are a top level player with time, this game is a dream I bet. What other game really has such a diverse cast used in a top 8? Watching JFJames play is simply amazing (side note: I wish he won all the time with that crazy Yoshi - so fun too watch)
Something SF does well over Tekken is that your previous skill set transfers nicely over. Look at USF4 Rolento play - ITS ALREADY CRAZY!. With the exception of SF x T (doesn't count??) he came out in CVS2 ... like 10-15 years ago! SF can keeps it fresh and lets you keep "the skills you earned" from the previous titles. I am a mid level player (low level!?!?) and SF is much more enjoyable as a scrub. Tekken is so much harder on this level. It may be the fact that everyone online seems to be a beast, but for SF I can find a lot more matches with people on my level. I will also be the first to admit that if I did have more time I may be able to enjoy tekken so much more, but for "mid level" people like me this game really takes too much to get into versus COD or SF. Maybe some kind of "edition select" option would help Tekken out too...