Premium PV Unveiled for Japanese 5on5 T7FR Tournament - MASTERCUP.9
MASTERCUP.9 is inching closer and closer this month! The 5on5 Japanese Tekken 7 Fated Retribution team tournament brings together the world's largest amount of Tekken players to champion the strongest Tekken team on the planet. As of right now, registration numbers for the tournament total a staggering 207 teams of 5 players entered resulting with 1035 players expected to come out to Tokyo, Japan to battle it out. MASTERCUP.9 is once again going to broadcast the event live on Twitch with commentary so this is an event to not miss out on when the festivities start. Check out the new Premium Promotional Video released for the event starring the voice of Fumihiko Tachiki (VA who voices Japanese Pride fight videos) which offers a glimpse of the passion and energy in MASTERCUP events. For more details on MASTERCUP like registration, location and even cosplay and Harada T-shirt signing schedules, check out the official home page: