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Entries in tekken 7 fated retribution (110)


T7FR - Video of Akuma's High Damaging Combos

Tatsuo on twitter has been going crazy lately recording a bunch of absurdly high damage combos from Tekken 7 Fated Retribution. His latest upload on his channel is a compilation of his recent Akuma combos and it just shows once again how absurd his combo damage is, especially near the wall. With that said, these combos mainly use full meter and the Raging Demon so this is proof of concept of the optimal combos Akuma can get should the player perform it right. Focus Attack combos, jump ins, wallsplats, wall carries, infinite stage combos etc, there's plenty there. Big thanks to Tatsuo and check out his channel for other T7FR videos.

Tatsuo Twitter ≫

YouTube Channel ≫

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T7FR - Bohee (Steve) VS Help Me (Akuma) Deathmatch

Korean Tekken player Help Me needs no major introduction as a specialist with every Tekken character so seeing his take on the new guest character Akuma in T7FR is interesting. His opponent however isn't some random Tekken player, Bohee is a really high ranked Steve player in T7 and was in S.Korea among the highest ranked players back in Tekken Tag Tournament 2, making this deathmatch between them a good watch. Green Arcade recently streamed this on their Twitch channel but it is now up on their YouTube channel for viewing. Enjoy.

Green Tekken ≫

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EVO 2016 - T7FR Tournament Archives & Recaps

EVO 2016 is in the books, another successful tournament that took place mid July in Las Vegas, Nevada. EVO 2016 was a large scale global tournament that saw Tekken 7 Fated Retribution's first official debut in tournament after the game had launched in arcades on July 5th and had numerous high level international players like Knee, Saint, JDCR, Nobi, Take, Yuu and a bunch more competing against what the USA had to offer. The Tekken action was all streamed live over on Twitch with Bifuteki over on the Tekken twitch channel and then later on the official Evosrk channel for the finals so video footage from the tournament in cased you missed it is now available for viewing. Recap videos from Aris and Esteban are uploaded as well and allow a more personal glimpse of what the event was like in person through their experience. Enjoy the footage and the Tekken Tour is continuing along with Wizard World Columbus on July 29-31 being its next stop this upcoming weekend.

Bifuteki ≫

Bandai Namco Fight Channel ≫

SRKEVO1 Twitch Channel ≫

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Tekken 7 Fated Retribution - Official Niconico Stream on August 1

An official niconico stream by Bandai Namco games revolving around the newly revealed characters; Bob and Master Raven has been announced. Taking place on the 1st of August at 8 PM Japan time, Tekken project members Katsuhiro Harada, Nakatsu & Mishimastar will make an appearance on the broadcast to show off and demonstrate the new characters and detail the latest news on upcoming updates to Tekken 7 Fated Retribution as well as the global 'KING OF THE IRON FIST TOURNAMENT 2016' taking place later this year. The Tekken Girls Club are also set to make an appearance during the broadcast in their cosplay outfits like usual. The niconico broadcast stream link is now up and you can timeshift it for later viewing.

Niconico stream ≫

Tekken-Official ≫


Top Japanese Player Ryo's Impressions of the Mishima Characters in T7FR

Tekken 7 Fated Retribution has been out in arcades for about 2 weeks now and a general idea of which characters are on top are starting to settle in. Ryo (aka Deku) recently posted his impressions of the Mishima characters in the game and I'd say he's a good authority on the matter. They're brief impressions so don't expect anything lengthy or in detail but you can catch his quick thoughts over on his twitter. I translated them below if you can't read the moonrunes.

Ryo's twitter ≫

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