T7FR - Video of Akuma's High Damaging Combos

Tatsuo on twitter has been going crazy lately recording a bunch of absurdly high damage combos from Tekken 7 Fated Retribution. His latest upload on his channel is a compilation of his recent Akuma combos and it just shows once again how absurd his combo damage is, especially near the wall. With that said, these combos mainly use full meter and the Raging Demon so this is proof of concept of the optimal combos Akuma can get should the player perform it right. Focus Attack combos, jump ins, wallsplats, wall carries, infinite stage combos etc, there's plenty there. Big thanks to Tatsuo and check out his channel for other T7FR videos.
Tatsuo Twitter ≫ https://twitter.com/tatsushis
YouTube Channel ≫ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_RIaFav5j6Qc_jC-dOBVbg
▌High Damaging Akuma Combos
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