The COLLISION Championship Series are happy to announce that two Korean Tekken champions are making their way to the premier tournament series in the city of Lima, Peru. 2016's Evolution and Global Championship grand finalist Saint, is joined by fellow dominant Korean player JDCR as they set out to get revenge on the competition in the region when they make their way to the tournament this month. Alongside those news, Collision 2017 has expanded in a big way from last year's tournament as it has announced that they're including multiple other fighting games as well getting Tekken Project team members Katsuhiro Harada & Michael Murray to confirm their attendance at the event. Not only that, but it also has to be said that the Tekken Brand Manager Mark Religioso as well Tekken community figure MarkMan are making an appearance there. COLLISION 2017 takes places in the capital of Peru this month on weekend of the 18th & 19th and is certainly not going to be an event you want to miss out on so stay tuned for more news from the event as well as live stream info. For more details on the tournament including how to register, check out the tournament's web pages:
COLLISION Championship ≫ http://collisionchampionship.com/
Facebook ≫ https://www.facebook.com/collisionchampionshipseries/
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