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Entries in Japan (279)


Age of Renowned Tekken Players Compiled By Kuro Kuro

Since you can find out so much information on Tekken players through their Facebook/Twitter/Zexi pages, Kuro Kuro recently decided to compile an age list of notable players. It's predominately a Japanese players list so you might not know most of the names on this list but there's some notable players outside of Japan that you might know of. The list is structured around fiscal years but it easily shows you how old everyone is. No famous female players included in this list of course, that stuff is top secret.

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SCLS - Viewer Vote For Next Character

For those who didn't watch the '876 Minute' broadcast by Bandai Namco on niconico that I detailed earlier, you didn't really miss much. Soul Calibur's current lead producer Masaaki Hoshino gets on the broadcast at around the 10 hour mark and talks about his games and play a couple round of Soul Calibur 2 HD with the broadcast hosts. The most notable thing of course was holding a poll during the niconico stream that viewers can vote for which characters they would like to see in Soul Calibur Lost Swords. The vote had the options of 4 characters - Amy, Cassandra, Seong Mina and Rock. In the short period that the poll was open, viewers went with Amy to win the poll with 39.7% of the votes. I wouldn't worry too much if the character you wanted to see added to that game wasn't voted for, all these characters were up for consideration and may show up in the title eventually.

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SPECIAL HAMMERs CUP 2 is the next Japanese tournament that MASTERCUP is going to run this year and it will be another 3on3 tournament with a team entry limit set to 42 teams (126 total players.) It was announced a bit before the top 8 at MATADOR CUP 5 and I now have more details about it from the official website. It's going to be held in a Namco arcade 'Hakata Bus Terminal store' which is in Fukuoka, Japan during Japan's Golden Week holiday period. The tournament is named after the famed Japanese Dragunov/Lee player 'Special Hammers' from Fukuoka and is going to be run similiar to the Mastercup J1 Climax from last year. This tournament as well as an upcoming MASTERCUP tournament in west Japan (No date yet) and of course MASTERCUP.7 in November this year is expected to be a good send off for the game just before Tekken's 20th anniversary in December.

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MATADOR CUP 5 | Japanese 5on5 Tournament Streamed From A-cho

UPDATE: Tournament is now over and results have been added.

MATADOR CUP 5 tournament is streamed live from the renowned A-cho arcade in Kyoto, Japan and features a great amount of teams entered which sums up to 420 players competiting. South Korea sent two teams over which features great players like Jundding, HelpMe, Nin, Saint and more to the tournament to once again take a shot at toppling the Japanese community at their hometurf. Fortunately for most of us, the tournament is held in the A-cho arcade so that means A-cho will provide a stream of the tournament onto their Ustream channel as opposed to niconico. Be sure to tune in if you have the time as this will be entertaining to watch!

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MASTERCUP Japan East VS West 15on15 Battle Announced!

UPDATE: Results have been added. Smoiler alert.

Hope everyone enjoyed themselves over the past weekend with Final Round but don't go anywhere just yet because MATADOR CUP 5 is upcoming the following weekend! The Japanese tournament boasts an impressive amount of 420 total entrants and with this large gathering of players; MASTERCUP has announced a 15on15 between East Japan and West Japan. The competition will feature Matador leading the Japan West team up against Furumizu's Japan East team which will be formed of players of the team captain's choosing. The 15on15 East VS West event will happen a day before MATADOR CUP 5 which is on the 22nd of March this year. You can see further details on the event as well as the players on each team below.

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