MASTERCUP Japan East VS West 15on15 Battle Announced!

UPDATE: Results have been added. Smoiler alert.
Hope everyone enjoyed themselves over the past weekend with Final Round but don't go anywhere just yet because MATADOR CUP 5 is upcoming the following weekend! The Japanese tournament boasts an impressive amount of 420 total entrants and with this large gathering of players; MASTERCUP has announced a 15on15 between East Japan and West Japan. The competition will feature Matador leading the Japan West team up against Furumizu's Japan East team which will be formed of players of the team captain's choosing. The 15on15 East VS West event will happen a day before MATADOR CUP 5 which is on the 22nd of March this year. You can see further details on the event as well as the players on each team below.
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Date: 21/3/2014 17:00 (5 PM JST)
LIVE stream:
Location: Kyoto a-cho
Commentary: Genya
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Source ▶ &
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3・21 『Japan East VS West Battle 15on15』
× Yuki VS Genkids ○
× Tsubumi VS Genkids ○
× Manba VS Genkids ○
× LathinVS Genkids ○
× Take VS Genkids ○
○ KagemaruVS Genkids ×
× Kagemaru VS Tissuemon ○
○ BKC VS Tissuemon ×
× BKC VS Yuttari Yuuki ○
○ Amigo VS Yuttari Yuuki ×
× Amigo VS Special Pikohams ○
× Tanaka VS Special Pikohams ○
× Chabashira VS Special Pikohams ○
× Nakachan VS Special Pikohams ○
× Bell VS Special Pikohams ○
○ Nobi VS Special Pikohams ×
○ Nobi VS Yosurin ×
○ Nobi VS MakoRyu ×
○ Nobi VS Burimaru ×
○ Nobi VS Rasuta ×
○ Nobi VS Sweat ×
○ Nobi VS Nisshin ×
○ Nobi VS Taizo ×
× Nobi VS Mattari ○
○ Deku VS Mattari ×
○ Deku VS Joe ×
○ Deku VS 38 ×
× Deku VS Matador ○
○ Furumizu VS Matador ×
EAST 15 - 14 WEST

Reader Comments (2)
what are the results for the 15vs15?
Hey chetchetty, added the results. (Got caught up and forgot to add it in earlier)