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Entries in evo japan (8)


Knee weighs in on the Leroy controversy

Having played Tekken competitively for over 10 years, Leroy Smith was the moment where Knee revels in disbelief over the game's balance. With Leroy Smith out for two months with an overtuned move set, EVO Japan would go on to be too much of a display on how capable the DLC character really is. In Knee's latest discussion video, Knee collects his thoughts on the impact of Leroy Smith and compares them to other characters with similar episodes like Akuma or Geese Howard. Knee concludes his discussion with a certain sentiment that maybe some parts of the community might associate with: 'Tekken doesn't feel like Tekken any more.'

Knee's YouTube channel ≫

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Project Soul's Follow-Up Responses to Community Questions from Evo Japan

The players ask and Project Soul answers. The following follow-up is the Soul Calibur 6 development team's response to the questions that the community brought forward back at the Project Soul Talk Event at Evo Japan. Get the latest details on upcoming DLC plans and scheduling, QOL improvements, gameplay balance adjustments and more from the people behind the game. If you need a refresher on what was discussed during the Talk Event, check out the previous summary link.

Q&A Follow-up Source ≫

Previous Project Soul Talk Event Summary ≫

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Summary of Project Soul Talk Event from Evo Japan

A Project Soul Talk Event took place during Evo Japan and the dev team behind Soul Calibur 6 took the opportunity to sit down and chat with the community directly. There were no streams for the discussion but we have reports and photos from the event detailing everything that got mentioned. Topics included were changes coming to the online and matchmaking, QOL improvements, further game content drops and several other stuff. A summary in the form of a numbered list comes courtesy of Burnout6010 on the SC6 Steam forums.

Talk Event Summary from Steam Forums ≫

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Kayane's Interview with Soul Calibur 6 Producer Motohiro Okubo from EVO Japan

The EVO Japan interview Kayane conducted with the Soul Calibur 6 producer Motohiro Okubo has now gone live over on Kayane's website. It makes for a pretty lengthy and interesting look as to where Soul Calibur 6 is at in this time in terms of development. There's also plenty of Kayane gushing over the new Soul Calibur game so she got to ask a lot about characters in the roster, ideas for guest characters, gameplay modes and a lot more. I'll be adding some snippets from the interview below but you can read the entire piece over on Kayane's website:

Kayane EVO Japan Interview with Motohiro Okubo ≫

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Soul Calibur 6 Gameplay Footage Round-Up from the EVO Japan Build

The Soul Calibur 6 demo station at Evo Japan has finally concluded and we now have a large batch of new footage from Evo Japan and the recent Bandai Namco press event in San Francisco (referring to this batch as the Evo Japan build.) The footage contained in here feature all the newly reveal Soul Calibur 6 characters like Nightmare, Kilik, Xianghua & Groh so lots of gameplay and character discoveries to comb over within all these videos. I'll be citing all videos posted below but if we missed any, feel free to send them over to us and we'll add it in.

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