Kelot Cup 2 - 3on3 Japanese T7FR Tournament YouTube Archives

Kelot Cup 2 was a Japanese 3on3 Tekken 7 FR tournament organised by MASTERCUP and Game Newton that took place on September 17 at the Amusement Parlor Okayama arcade in Japan's west. The tournament was sponsored by Yamasa who creates the Tekken pachislot machines and they had their sponsored Tekken players Yuu & Nobi travel down and be the hosts for the event. Since this was relatively recent, the tournament was using the current up to date version of the game with Master Raven. Although the stream for the event has already been carried out, the YouTube archives for the tournament has now been uploaded to Yuu & Nobi's YouTube account for anyone that missed out on watching it. You can catch their archives over here:
Yuu & Nobi Channel ≫
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1st Phase Qualifier
2nd Phase Qualfier
Wild Card

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