The King Of Iron Fist Tournament 2016 North America Finals is Set for Nov 9

Bandai Namco have announced that the finals event for the North American side of The King Of Iron Fist Tournament 2016 is set for November 9, 2016 which is on a Wednesday. Ruby Skye in San Francisco, California will be the venue for the finals and there will be chances for the people in attendance to meet the creators behind the Tekken series, get hands-on time with demos of Tekken 7 and get all sorts of exclusive Tekken merchandising. TKOIFT NA or simply the Tekken Tour has made multiple stops through-out the country over the course of this year and every qualified winner from each event is being gathered in one place to battle it out to see who's the best and win prizes including a trip to Japan to compete in their side of the KOIFT event. For players in the US who haven't qualified for the finals yet, there will be a last chance qualifier to get in a day before the event at Hilton Union Square on Nov 8. The website for the KOIFT NA 2016 has been updated and you can consult the page for the current qualified players as well as entry details for the event.
KOIFT NA 2016 ≫
▌North America's KOIFT 2016 FINALS
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Iron Fist Tournament 2016
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America is excited to usher Tekken into a new era of competitive tournament play with the King of the Iron Fist Tournament 2016 for North America. Featuring the latest installment of the legendary Tekken series, this tournament series aims to bring together the top Tekken 7 players from across North America for a knockdown, drag-out competition through 16 different cities across the United States and Canada for bragging rights and cash prizes.
This event is going to be a must for TEKKEN fans. Don't miss your chance! (We know it's mid-week), but trust us, it's worth it!
— Mark Julio (マークマン) (@MarkMan23) September 23, 2016
Lots of love to the @BandaiNamcoUS @TEKKEN team for putting together the #TEKKENTOUR with the community. Imagine how next year could be!? :D
— Mark Julio (マークマン) (@MarkMan23) September 23, 2016
Yes, we know the game isn't out yet (early 2017!) so let's focus on what we have now and grow stronger as a game, community & a whole! :D
— Mark Julio (マークマン) (@MarkMan23) September 23, 2016

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