Tekken Mura Interview with Only Practice

Shana's interview with the famous Korean Nina/Lars/Leo player - Only Practice during his recent trip to South Korea is now live on the Tekken Mura website. In it, Only Practice goes over a variety of topics such as when he started playing Tekken, his character choices, who he thinks are on top in Korea and a bit more. The interview isn't that extensive but it's an interesting read regardless. Interview is in complete Japanese but I went ahead and translated it for everyone below. Check back on the site in the future as the next player interview will be with top Japanese Mishima player Ryo (aka Deku.)
▌Shana's interview with Only Practice
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―― Tell us about how you started playing Tekken.
only practice: I started playing when I was a kid, I would frequently visit and go back and forth between all the arcades I could visit. I loved playing and deathmatching people in fighting games, especially with KOF or Tekken games. Tekken became my main game to play when Tekken got popular in Korea back in the TTT1 era. It's been my main game ever since then.
―― I believe you main Nina & Lars, are these the only characters you play?
only practice: I main Nina, Lars and Leo in TTT2. Compared to me when I used to play Tekken long ago, I've gotten old and I haven't really gotten serious or enthusiastic with any other characters. I have no confidence playing other characters. My mains in T6BR were Nina and Leo but with TTT2 I went and learned Lars making me play a total of 3 characters. Nina is on top of the 3, my best character.
―― If you got the chance to play Japanese players, would you spend a lot of time studying their characters and learning how to beat them?
only practice: Usually I wouldn't spend time studying characters or learning to beat other players however, I sometimes end up with some spare time in the arcade playing against the ghost data in arcade mode and that's where I usually think of some general strategies against other characters and do some experiments against the ghost data.
―― I've seen you try to fuzzy Kazuya's d/f+1 string and hit him with an arc blast that one time, I thought that was amazing.
only practice: (laughs)
―― I heard that you stopped playing Tekken at one point, what was the reason for that?
only practice: I got really occupied with work. At the end of TTT1's lifespan, work got a lot more busier for me so I didn't get a lot of time to play Tekken. I missed out on Tekken 4 and Tekken 5 because of it.
―― Ah so you recently came back to play Tekken then? During Tekken 6 and Bloodline Rebellion correct?
only practice: I was able to go back to play Tekken with Tekken 6. As of right now, I've still got the time to play Tekken.
―― Do you have any Rivals in Tekken?
only practice: I don't have anybody specific as a rival but, like everyone else I want to topple over Knee.
―― Excluding yourself, who do you think is the top 5 within Korean Tekken players?
only practice: Saint, HAO, Help Me, Knee & JDCR. Then you add me and you'll have top 6. (laughs)
―― Whenever a Japanese Tekken player comes to visit Korea like Nobi did with the Global Championships last year, do you ever take notice or heed of strong Japanese players you may hear about?
only practice: I don't really watch videos of Japanese Tekken players so I can't really take notice or say much about them until I play them. I did get the chance to play Nobi one time inside Green Arcade and I thought he was a really strong player through deathmatching with him. I've heard about Deku the Japanese Mishima player but since I've never personally played him myself I can't really make a comment on him. I've also heard about Shou but mainly because of him playing Nina in this game.
―― Have you ever gotten frustrated playing Tekken? Can you describe an episode where you got really annoyed?
only practice: Everytime I deathmatch Knee! It seems like that whenever I get Knee close to demotion playing against him, he always seems to suddenly turn it around last minute and ends up demoting me and promoting himself. Deathmatching against Knee is the most frustrating experience for me.
―― Do you have any goals with playing Tekken at the moment? Like any plans to come to Japan and win or something?
only practice: I've been invited to go play at the last few MASTERCUP tournaments actually. I would have gone to the one last year If I could too. However, my wife is currently pregnant with the child expected to be born next month so I couldn't leave her side. It's really important to me. Facing forward, I do have some considerations on what I might aim for but I have to keep them realistic too so I can't do anything unreasonable.
―― In Japan, I've seen quite a few amount of fans of yours that copy your style of customizing your characters. Any few words for these Tekken players?
only practice: I don't really have the chance to go to Japan but If I could I would like to play everyone and beat them. Since I can't though, I guess I'll have to settle with playing them online so if any Japanese players are interested in playing with me feel free to send me a message.
―― Thank you for your time.
The next interview is with Japanese Mishima player Ryo (Deku.) Please look forward to it everyone!
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Reader Comments (4)
Too true his pseudo, all you have to do to be good at this game is ONLY PRATICE. Peace to him.
Great job Flying monkey, that was an awesome interview, Aris by the way there is a new patch coming for Dark souls 2 some many weapons and rings are getting nerfed cuz many people complained here is the complete list: http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/26uq3u/dark_souls_ii_v106_regulation_notes_poorly/
http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/05/30/this-is-the-first-purported-footage-of-playstation-4s-project-beast Aris new video leaked about the new souls game for PS4
Thanks for translating!