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Entries in tekken (791)


TTT2 - Nobi VS JDCR & Knee Tekken God Matches

Back on the first of November, you may remember that the Koreans (Saint, JDCR, Nin, Knee & Chanel) were over inside Japan's Namco Sugamo store for some deathmatching prior to MASTERCUP.6. The result of this was of course a long series of exciting matches that were all off stream that culminated in Japan finally getting it's first player that owns the 'True Tekken God' rank. Nobi recently decided to broadcast these matches onto his niconico site and I have it all archived below for everyone to see.

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Tekken Nation Officially Closing Down was once a bustling Tekken website that focused more of the light hearted side to the TEKKEN series in it's heydays. A notable example of which: is of Katsuhiro Harada himself posting on the site clarifying certain details about the game's storyline & characters. The website served as an interesting juxtaposition with the TekkenZaibatsu website which is geared more towards the competitive aspects of the Tekken games. Recently, Cosmic_Castaway posted a thread notifying all readers in advance that the web site will be offline on the 17th of January due to long periods of site inactivity. With this site closure, it feels more like that Tekken Zaibatsu is the main central Tekken hub for the English speaking world despite that website too being generally inactive and feeling a bit too dated for the average user, which will most likely be using social media like a consolidated Facebook group or a twitter account to establish an online presence. Regardless, a lot of Tekken history goes down with the site and there's a bigger void for 'casual' Tekken content on the internet.

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"TEKKEN-A Man Called X" Live Action Movie Revealed

UPDATE: Kane Kosugi's blog was updated with a correction that the movie he is working on is actually titled 'Agent X' (temporary name) and an apology to everyone. Harada also mentioned on twitter that he nor the TEKKEN team does not know anything about the movie. Given that the TEKKEN team is mainly a software developer team and the mistake being precise with the 'TEKKEN - A Man Called X' title, I'm thinking that this is some backpedaling after revealing the film to early.

Fans of the illustriously..... Crafted live action Tekken movie which was released back in 2010 will have a new Live action movie titled ' TEKKEN - A Man Called X' to look forward to. The movie is currently being served as a prequel Tekken movie and will star Kane Kosugi (Choy Lee Fut, Ninja 2: Shadow of a Tear) as the movie's main character 'X.' The movie announcement and reveal comes from Kane Kosugi's official blog which also details the lead role being his first in a Hollywood production and that the movie will begin filming later this month. I've added the links to the blog post and news from City On Fire below.

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TEKKEN STRIKE MASTERS: Korean 8-Man Tournament Commencing Jan 10th

'Tekken Strike Masters' is the name of a new 8-man Korean Tekken tournament that will be soon starting on the 10th of January and ending on the 14th of February. The players that will be competing in this event have all been selected through online voting and nicegametv have detailed all the participants including what groups they are in as well as when they will be competing. Big thanks goes to Kenn15 for translating all the details in Korean and sharing it with us. Be sure to tune into either nicegametv's Ustream channel or YouTube channel on the dates of the matches for the live streams since archives for the tournament are now no longer free and must be paid for to watch!

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TTT2 - New Years Eve Events from Namco Sugamo

What better way to welcome the new year then by holding several big tournaments inside Japan's major home for Tekken. First, a 3on3 'generations' tournament was held that had players partnered up only with other players at close to the same age you (one up or one age below you is the max). Second, a 'Sugamo Off' which I still don't quite fully what exactly is but it seems to turn into a multiple hour spanning 2on2 later on. Lastly, another 3on3 tournament with a 'HinoP Forces VS Nobi Forces' battle at the end which gathers 28 other players to battle it out in a big 29 VS 29 match just before the new year. Happy new years everyone, enjoy the archives.

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