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"TEKKEN-A Man Called X" Live Action Movie Revealed

UPDATE: Kane Kosugi's blog was updated with a correction that the movie he is working on is actually titled 'Agent X' (temporary name) and an apology to everyone. Harada also mentioned on twitter that he nor the TEKKEN team does not know anything about the movie. Given that the TEKKEN team is mainly a software developer team and the mistake being precise with the 'TEKKEN - A Man Called X' title, I'm thinking that this is some backpedaling after revealing the film to early.

Fans of the illustriously..... Crafted live action Tekken movie which was released back in 2010 will have a new Live action movie titled ' TEKKEN - A Man Called X' to look forward to. The movie is currently being served as a prequel Tekken movie and will star Kane Kosugi (Choy Lee Fut, Ninja 2: Shadow of a Tear) as the movie's main character 'X.' The movie announcement and reveal comes from Kane Kosugi's official blog which also details the lead role being his first in a Hollywood production and that the movie will begin filming later this month. I've added the links to the blog post and news from City On Fire below.


▌Kane Kosugi to star in "TEKKEN - A Man Called X"
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According to his official blog (via, Kane Kosugi (Choy Lee Fut, Ninja 2: Shadow of a Tear) has landed a starring role in Tekken: A Man Called X, which will serve as a prequel to 2010′s Tekken. The film, which is based on the popular Namco fighting game of the same name, will be Kosugi’s first lead role in a Hollywood feature.


Back in 2012, when Tekken: A Man Called X had the working title Tekken: Rise of the Tournament, THR reported that Prachya Pinkaew (Ong Bak) was attached to direct. Currently, it remains unknown if Pinkaew is still attached.

Kosugi is known for 2002′s Muscle Heat (aka Blood Heat), but he’s perhaps best known to North American audiences for being the son of Sho Kosugi, who had a string of successful ninja films for The Cannon Group, including 1983′s Revenge of the Ninja and 1984′s Ninja III: The Domination.

Tekken: A Man Called X is scheduled to begin shooting this month. We’ll keep you updated as we hear more!

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Kane Kosugi's Blog Post ▶

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