As some may already be aware, the French Soul Calibur player Kayane was invited to Bandai Namco a bit back to try out the latest public build of Soul Calibur 6. Since then, she has been uploading plenty of new gameplay footage from the E3 build of the game with some notable players from the scene. Her latest Soul Calibur 6 video is on the guest character; Geralt of Rivia and in it, she focuses on exploring the character's movelist to see how Geralt fights and what he's capable of. Kayane went ahead and jotted down some quick notes on her findings in the description which may be good to know if you ever plan on playing the character at an upcoming event sometime in the future. Since the footage is from a demo and we are now 3 months away from the game's launch, some things may be subject to change so do take note. You can check out the movelist exploration video over on Kayane's YouTube page:
Kayane YouTube ≫ https://www.youtube.com/user/KayaneTV/
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