Bandai Namco Celebrates 20 Years of the Soul Calibur Series

As reported on Gematsu, Bandai Namco recently put out a video on YouTube celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the SoulCalibur series. It takes you back to the series' beginnings with Soul Edge back in December 20th of 1996 and running up to the f2p Soul Calibur Lost Swords which was released 2 years ago. Bandai Namco put out a Press Release detailing the recent Soul Calibur Pachislot machine which is being made in collaboration with YAMASA to sell to that particular market but it also announced that the Soul Calibur franchise has shipped over 14 Million copies worldwide across all the games. The description in the 20th Anniversary video details a Project Soul web page but accessing it right now leads to a test page. You can check it out here. All in all, it's not the new Soul Calibur game announcement we're all looking for but at least Bandai Namco haven't completely forgotten the series.
Project Soul ≫