Final List of All Qualified Players for the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 2015 Grand Finals

The finale for the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2015 event is almost here and we now have all the players that have qualified for the Grand Finals set to go down in Tokyo, Japan on December 12th. These include all players that have qualified through the previous qualifying events held in East and west Japan, South Korea and East & West USA. There's also special-case qualifiers such as Nobi and AO who qualified through their placings at EVO 2015 and AK from the Philippines who was invited into the Grand Finals. The Grand Finals will offer the top placers of the event a big chunk of the 10 million yen prize money and will be broadcasted live simultaneously on niconico for the Japanese audience and for the English audience. Harada has previously teased new and exciting news for the Tekken series at this event so you have more to look forward to than all the competitive Tekken 7 action. The streaming channel URLs for the KOIFT2015 Grand Finals are as follows:
niconico Grand Finals stream ≫
Twitch Grand Finals stream ≫
▌King of Iron Fist 2015 - GRAND FINALS
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Qualified players from Japan: (13 players total)
Nobi (ノビ) - EVO 2015 1st place.
AO (アオ) - EVO 2015 2nd place.
Yuuyuu (ゆうゆう) - OSAKA CHALLENGE Female division 3rd place. (**Yurisan no Hou 1st and the 2nd placer were unable to attend the finals so the spot was given to Yuuyuu.**)
Maxi (マキシ) - TOKYO CHALLENGE Female division 1st place.
S.H.O.W - JAPAN ROUND 1on1 tournament 1st place.
Fukamichi Quest (深道くえすと) - JAPAN ROUND 1on1 tournament 2nd place.
Taaku (たーく) - JAPAN ROUND 1on1 tournament 3rd place.
Shudy (しゅうでぃ) - JAPAN ROUND 3on3 students division winning team.
Karei (加齢) - JAPAN ROUND 3on3 students division winning team.
Gen (弦) - JAPAN ROUND 3on3 students division winning team.
Okaty (オカティ) - JAPAN ROUND 3on3 tournament winning team.
Dandy (ダンディー) - JAPAN ROUND 3on3 tournament winning team.
Double (ダブル) - JAPAN ROUND 3on3 tournament winning team.
Qualified players from Korea: (8 players total)
Henboku Hejoporuka (?) - Female division 1st place.
Silika - Female division 2nd place.
Secret - 'For Anyone' division 1st place.
Help Me - 'For Anyone' division 2nd place.
Knee - 'For Anyone' division 3rd place.
Murugold (?) - Students division 1st place.
Zeneral (?) - Students division 2nd place.
Tondaku Lab (?) - Students division 3rd place.
Qualified players from Europe: (3 players total)
Tissuemon (ティッシュもん) - European qualifiers 1st place.
Vanex - European qualifiers 2nd place.
Devil - European qualifiers 3rd place.
Qualified players from USA: (2 players total)
Mr. Naps - West Coast USA qualifier 1st place.
Bloodhawk - East Coast USA qualfier 1st place.
Other: (1 player)
AK - Invited to participate in the Grand Finals event.
King of Iron Fist 2015 Official website ≫
TEKKEN_Project twitter ≫
Harada_Tekken twitter ≫

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