EVO 2015 Runner-Up AO from Japan is Heading to UTXVI

Once again, the next international competitor entering France's large-scale Ultimate Tournament XVI is BlackEye AO from Japan! 3rd place at EVO 2014, Runner-up at EVO 2015, MASTERCUP.6 & Tougeki (SBO) 2012 championship and even more are all under his belt making him a heavyweight Tekken competitor. AO will be joining fellow Japanese player Take to take on not only Europe's best Tekken players, but also every other international competitor entering. This won't be his first time into the territory either after coming home the champion of France's Republic of Fighters 3 tournament so it will be well worth looking forward to seeing how he performs in the tournament come this October 17th. Only Practice from Korea and Take/Ao from Japan are the first batch of players confirmed for the event with even more players and announcements to come for the tournament in the future so you can all look forward to what will be a great event for Tekken.
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▌Ultimate Tournament XVI - AO
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