EVO 2015 - Schedule and Tekken 7 Pools Now Available

The pool scheduling as well as player brackets for Evo 2015 which is happening on July 17 - 19 are now out for viewing. Tekken 7 pools will be played out on both Friday & Saturday which unforunately leaves out the previous plan which was to have Friday as a practice day. Nonetheless, pools start at 8:00 am local time so be sure to get there early to participate. Now that the Tekken 7 brackets are also out, you can see the vast number of international Japanese competitors in it to win the tournament so the competition will of course be really fierce at this year's Evo. Don't forget however that there's also the TTT2 side tournament being organised at the BYOC area at Evo so there's more Tekken to play beside the official Tekken 7 tournament. Have a great time everyone.
Evo 2015 Schedule ≫ https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4bVNTOgaOvya0s4d0x2R3pPZllrSkR1MFdjSFlOZ05uV0FN/view
Evo 2015 Brackets ≫ http://evo2015.s3.amazonaws.com/brackets/index.html
▌Evo 2015 Game Schedule
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^^ Click image to expand ^^
▌Tekken 7 Notable Players
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- A201 - Matador (JP)
- A202 - Kane
- A204 - Yosurin (JP)
- B201 - Okaty (JP)
- B203 - BE | AO (JP)
- C201 - Tsubumi (JP) & Kuro Kuro (JP)
- C203 - WayGamble
- D201 - Take (JP)
- D202 - FilthieRich, The Main Man (SWE)
- D203 - JDCR (KR)
- D204 - Zechs (Zekusu - JP)
- E201 - Dogura (JP) & Floe
- E204 - Yuu (JP)
- F201 - Saint (KR)
- F202 - Jimmyjtran
- F203 - Pekosu (JP), Rip, Fayd (AUS)
- F204 - JustFrameJames
- H201 - Double (JP) & Gachapin (JP)
- H202 - Aris
- H203 - Nobi (JP) & Mateo
- I201 - Inkognito
▌Tekken 7 Controller Compatibility
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