ATP Live Episode 39 - Featuring @Reepal, and @Ricksteeezy
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Friday, March 21, 2014 at 4:38PM

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Watch ATP Live every Thursday night at 8pm PST by following the link below. Play on.
Reader Comments (9)
I own a hitbox, and its a piece of junk. Back dash cancelling is so difficult. People who complain don't know what they are talking about. Joysticks are superior. The fact of the matter is, the human wrist is quicker than finger (twitch speed), and even if you have good finger co-ordination there really is no comparison.
That Iceman joke was so perfectly done
I'm surprised that no one mentioned King Rey Jr! Rip, sp00ky, and the entire Atlanta crowd was SUPER HYPE during his match! Notwithstanding, good episode and good topics discussed.
(said match at 6 hrs 48 mins in)
note: For some reason, the zeros in the "sp00ky" URL were converted to "O"s, so change the "O"s to zeroes after you copy & paste.
Here's the KingRey Jr match on youtube!! So crazy! I love the announcing. This whole thing is beautiful.
His King gesture when he wins that match. Just amazing.
@ Starman
I think you're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about. All those points you made are actually false or individul to different people.
First of all, the human wrist is NOT quicker than a finger. They're both equally quick, there's even a slight advantage to the finger due to less mass to travel, it's smaller than a wrist and it's a smaller movement. Far less muscles are involved when twitching a finger than twitching a wrist.
Second, a Hitbox is indeed much much easier. I tried for two years to learn backdashcancelling on a stick and couldn't do it. My thumb and wrist just didn't cooperate that way. I bought a Hitbox and within a month I could do BDC flawlessly! Within a fucking MONTH! I was so angry for wasting so much time trying to learn it on a stick.
Many other things are easier on a Hitbox than on a stick. How many times haven't you wanted to dash forward or backwards quickly, just to make a foolish jump or something just because your wrist was on a slight different angle, maybe even causing you to lose a round. With a Hitbox, where you have a button for each direction I didn't have any wrong inputs after the first week. Because forward is one specific button and you can never hit wrong by accident.
Hitbox is so much better than a joystick that's it's almost cheating. But it all depends on your fingerdexterity and practice I guess. At elast for me a Hitbox makes me do things I could never do with a stick or pad no matter how long I tried.
I have weak fingers so I am open to the idea that I could be wrong. However, here is a scientific study showing unequal performance between wrist and finger:
"Our present study shows that the finger(s) do not necessarily perform better than the other segments of the upper limb. Indeed, in the context of a serial point-select task, left-right movements by the index finger have a lower performance index when compared to the wrist and arm".
So lets assume both are equally quick, than the main differentiating factor is co-ordination. And unless you have been typing your whole life, your wrists are more co-ordinated than your fingers i.e. It is easier to hit a diagonal using your wrists than it is two simultaneous hit two buttons at the same time on HITBOX. This is the reason people map dual button combination to the shoulder buttons. To hit two buttons simultaneously multiple times is a very difficult task to achieve, and if you can achieve this you are probably the exception to the rule, not the norm.
Here is noodlehead saying that Hitbox is difficult to use:
So, in conclusion, while I think the HITBOX does make some things more accurate, BDC is VERY difficult. The demo from HITBOX own website shows the HITBOX creater using two hands to BDC. That doesn't seem practical to me. As I said before, if you can BDC with HITBOX , using one hand, you must have remarkable co-ordination, and I commend you for this. Congratulations.
"All injustice players are retards" Ricky 2014
The thing Rip said @ 45:00 about Tekken is the most important issue with Tekken! It's a offline game. Online is killing Tekken! No archades is killing Tekken. Tekken is a reactionbased game and due to lag (no matter how small) you cannot react to stuff online as you can offline. This makes playing Tekken online no fun. You have to play it differently. People who say it's equally fun or the same game offline as online have no clue of what they're talking about.
This is sad news for Tekken.
Look at Ricky blowing up injustice players. Aw. Guess what games at ego this year Ricky? Ain't yours. Shut your mouth hobbit.