TTT2 - Nobi & Shudy's Tier Charts

What you are looking at now is an overall character tier chart crafted by both Nobi and Shudy (a regular Lee/Jin player at Namco Sugamo). The chart was made during a live broadcast in which both players went into greater detail about the listings and rated the characters in several other topics. Thankfully, Nobi posted the the charts with short descriptions on his Twitter which I've gotten some requests to try and translate it (feel free to correct any errors, not really confident in my translating). I've also recorded the live broadcast should anyone be interested in seeing it which you can find below.
▌Character Punishment Chart (確定反撃が強いキャラ)
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▌Character Mix-Ups Chart (二択が強いキヤラ―覧)
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- Top left: Mix-ups that leave the opponent standing. (ダウンを奪わない強い二択)
- Top right: Mix-ups that include launchers. (純粋な強制二択をかける)
- Bottom right: Constant, pressuring mix-ups. (コツコツ二択)
- Bottom left: Wall mix-ups (壁粋六先生枠)
▌Whiff Punish Chart (スカ確に優れているキヤラ)
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- Top left: Player skill will alter potential. (ブレイヤ-スキルによリ変動)
- Bottom left: "One command" / easier characters to use. (ワンコマンド系)
- Bottom right: May have difficult command inputs but still excellent. (入力が複離だが、 優秀)
▌Unaddressed Special Cases Chart (取リ上げられなかった特集枠)
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- Top left: Powerful overall character system. (強キヤラ系)
- Top right: Stylish characters when learned. (使いこなせればカッコイイ系)
- Middle left: Persistant irritating character. (かゆいところに手が…系)
- Middle right: Characters that perform good at middle ranges but not up close. (中距離は優秀だが 近距離がイマイチ系)
- Bottom left: "Cheating, gimmick" characters. Fares badly against proper knowledged opponents. (ごまかす系)
- Bottom mid: For 'stoic' players. (実はストイック系)
- Bottom right: Character's difficulty are dependant on opponent pushing buttons/mashing. (相手に依存する系)
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^^ Players featured are Pekosu (Bob/Jinpachi), Harusuke (Bob/Lili) & Kasumin (Yoshimitsu/Jinpachi).
Reader Comments (17)
Thanks Wonkey! :D
They put Miguel above almost every character?
The list is pretty fair.
It's pretty fun to see Namco being unhappy with it blasted the bubble when Namco always says "Lili is for the beginners."
Pretty much exposed.
Uh, "character skill and ease of use chart" should be changed to "whiff punish chart". スカ確 = whiff punish.
Fixed, oh and huh weird. the Japanese I had for the 4th chart header disappeared. Re-added.
A couple of correction : In the mix-up charts "Top left: KND mix-ups. (ダウンを奪わない強い二択)" refers to mix-up that don't knock you down like Lars ff4,3 or Hei d/b2.
Last line "Bottom right: Character's difficulty are dependant on partner character. (相手に依存する系)" They put Nina Lee and Steve in the same category, the CH fishing chars thus dependant on opponent pushing button's!
Last header should be 'Unaddressed Special Cases'(in the sense that the traits being discussed don't fall into the previous general tier rankings) instead of 'Taking Up & Learning Characters Chart'.
dr b should be on the chart somewhere
Wow, is Angel really that bad?
I don't think Angel is that bad but just very underused on console to really show her potential. She can be higher than she is now.
Thanks for the corrections, added. Oh and Jinkinator you sure? I got "to pick up/adopt" from 取リ上げられなかった.
I'm curious as to why Eddy to places to far above Christie. I thought Christi was better...
Yea, it's just a matter of context.
Where is Unknown because all is see is Jun and Unknown has way more tools then Jun and only looses a counter.
"Cheating, gimmick" characters. Fares badly against proper knowledged opponents."
Sounds right for Baek ROFL.
This was really interesting and some really good info here. I always feel characters players pick has something to do with their personality.
Me in real life:
- Constant, pressuring mix-ups. (A man of Innovation)
-"One command" / easier characters to use. (I like the simple things in life)
- Powerful overall character system. (I dunno I'm about powerful technology)
Aris in real life:
- May have difficult command inputs but still excellent. (Clutch in tough situations)
- Persistant irritating character. (Always speaks his mind)
- Player skill will alter potential. (First impressions are important)
Nin in real life:
- Character's difficulty are dependent on opponent pushing buttons/mashing. (Good judge of character)
- Constant, pressuring mix-ups. (A man of Innovation)
Play on Playaz ;)
@ the phantomnaut, i knew that angel is the worst character in whole game, she have 3 lows, db4 is -20, d3 without counter effect, shitty spinning demon, f3 stance is slow & useless, angel ewgf is easier sideestepable compared with other mishimas, she doesn't have poke, she doesn't have 14 frame middle, she have the most limited move list, shitty ws punish ws2 is 16 frames... her middle launchers are -12~ -14