ATP LIVE! - Episode 2 ft BloodHawk, Rip and Rickstah
Aris ON
Friday, May 17, 2013 at 10:23AM

In this episode I'm joined by Rip, Rickstah, and Bloodhawk. We discuss WNF, TTT2 popularity and Injustice EC vs WC. Hope you guys enjoyed the show. Make sure you tune in every Thursday at 8pm PST to watch us live on twitch.
Reader Comments (12)
Dead match is a dead end in America. We can't expect Americans having exactly the same
living style as the Koreans, you can't expect the former to play a game which is highly
mechanical and repetitive and make them sit for all day long just for a repetitive game.
The answer is quite simple: the people see Harada through his sunglasses. A while ago I
questioned about Lili's lacking of balance in the official forum. I talked to a lot of seemly
angried Tekken fanboys attracted by that, and I believed some of them have some sort of
contacts with Namco, maybe including payrolls too. It make me realize that there is a big
shift of interests in the Tekken series since the Namco-Bandai merger; they tend to concern
more about money/sales than the game/players, whether they make it into a DLC-intensive
model or not. Even when Harada still wears the sunglasses as ever and doesn't act like a
dick, many people already knew that he's changed without the needs for X-ray eyes.
When Namco messed with everything of Tekken, esp. balances, and those, who pretended
to care about it, makes their best efforts to waste those who don't just pretend, I am hurt and
I think I'm not the only one. It makes it pretty clear that Tekken isn't our game no more,
it's your game, it's their game - their sacred game in which only tough guys are allowed,
only the chosen ones can win, there are no balance issues and no bugs - but Kunimitsu
isn't allowed to duck highs completely. I think that Tekken hurt those who really care.
The way Namco-Bandai treats Tekken, it's just exactly the same way Oracle treated
Solaris and Open Office after they acquired them, Microsoft with Visio, and EA with
some of their bought games. Corps never do good things at all.
Samurai Shodown's name was ruined once. Then ruined again, then nobody gives it a damn
anymore. KOF was ruined once and people are still skeptical about it even in today.
Blazblue was nearly ruined but ArcSys saved it fast. I wished to see Tekken's miracle
comeback from their failure though.
Tekken isn't dead and TTT2 isn't a failure. Most people agree though that if NBGA keeps going in their current direction that Tekken's popularity will just further decline.
Tekken is a man's game.
Rip, what direction?
And yeah, my reaction in this wall of text...
I decided to get into the Tekken series with ttt2. I can say that it definitely made me an overall better fighting game player. With that said, the game is seriously overwhelming compared to the other fighters I've gotten into. I like that aspect of it, but I'm not sure about the sincere appeal that it holds for players of various skill levels. New players can't get into it, the OGs don't really like it, and the mid level struggles to get past making mundane errors which cost them the match. I've heard this before, but the series flat out needs a reboot. The legacy of Tekken is very respectable, but at this point and where the communities at now, there's not really all that much to lose with a series re-vamp. Keep the movement and execution the same, drastically slim down the move lists, get a meter, make a hop kick cost a bar or something idk, throwing out ideas. I went in pretty hard with ttt2, but I get online to play people who want to admire their outfits and silly string you to death. There needs to be a strengthening and leveling up of the mid level players, but the game's mechanincs just don't cater to that.
Please Namco for next installment...Tekken gameplay needs to go back to its roots!
T6BR was very successful, but gameplay was not good compare to DR.
So make all hopkicks knockdown move or give some characters without good launcher small combo from hopkick without bound.
TTT2 is popularity wise new Tekken 4 even in Asia. Even many top and new players stop playing it because the game is too launch friendly with less mind game and new players hate it because hectic and complicated gameplay.
it was super cute watching bloodhawk and co. completely dance around my points about the old boys club aspect of tekken. It was so ironic hearing such long time and well respected members defend the brokenness of their community for many new players. You fail to grasp the concept that all of you, even rickstah to a degree, are so used to getting your dicks sucked by the entire tekken community that you don't see how rude, exclusive and broken it is for a new player like me. I like ATP, i like tekken, i like you and rip and bloodhawk etc, but i don't like the gaping hole in your opinion about the community. Even this show speaks to my point. why not bring some one on the show with a fresh opinion instead of more old boys from the tourney scene? Just some food for thought. The show was on point besides the 5 minutes where bloodhawk twisted my chat words to generate a completely offbase point to defend himself instead of paying attention to what i was saying.
I don't know why people bitch about hopkicks. At least they're punishable unlike bullshit safe "hopkicks" like Bryan and Lars' uf4 or even Lei's uf3 (even though it launches on CH).
It's weird because a couple of weeks before this show my friends and I were talking about the game and way people play it and I ended up saying that because of the second lifebar people do tend to take more risks/get more yolo (I mean, why not? If you score a knockdown they'll just safely tag crash in or they'll get a knockdown and safely raw tag in) and that's when the ugly part of the game rears it's head.
I agree with Aris about the whole discovery part. I also believe there's a lot left to be discovered in this game unlike in T6 where everything was pretty much discovered by the time it console (which hurt the game alot imo).
This wasn't mentioned on the show, but I find the whole 120% to 135% standing damage buff to be bullshit. Shit can just get out of control with the amount of damage being done. I'm not talking about moves like deathfist, but rather NC/NCc strings that have either guaranteed follow ups or wall splat. Netsu completely blows this out of proportion as does solo mode. I found the damage in Vanilla TTT2 to be fine. I understand that they did this to possibly combat the number of time outs, but man...damage can just be too much sometimes (even if I'm the one dealing it).
The timeouts were super frequent in old TT2. I'm not sure what they should do to this game, a lot of players I know have stopped playing a few months after we got TT2.
But Aris and Bloodhawk are pretty lame for not playing the game outside of tourney and then complaining about Inkog or whoever...
buffing ground damage actually made Tag2 more old skool.
whiff punishing, punishment in general becomes way more important.
there was a long blog post by a TOP US player saying that tourneys should be best of 5 and not best of 3. Reason? Too much combo damage. Matches become too short, not entertaining blablabla.
Short matches can be very entertaining as well. Problem is that I see lot of people not whiff punishing harder or punishing harder.
Here in Singapore. Tekken is a major game at the arcades but our numbers are not even half of what AE2012 will pull. The console tourney scene is a little niche but Marvel and other games have their players. KOF13 was big for a while but I think have moved to console only by now. The 1st arcade edition was pretty broken anyway.
There is some good signs over here though, newer players are trying the game out and there are always a friendly old man you can ask about the game around if you bothered to ask. The first thing I keep telling newer players is to move better and learn how to get off the ground more intelligently.
We used to have to read up zaibatsu or/and guess. Now we got Levelupyourgame tutorial videos to point to when telling new players information. It helps new players to understand what is going on in the game. Compared to Tag2, BR is easier to understand.
"How can I not cut it off early?" And then he cuts it right the fuck off.
This fucking armenian gypsy.
Good times.
"How can I not cut it off early?" And then he cuts it right the fuck off.
This fucking armenian gypsy.
Good times.