aris can u bring back rick and rip, this bill is like a fail aborted child of kim jung un, he spits too much can't understand what the is he saying.
Friday, December 20, 2013 at 9:20 PM |
I love rip and rick, but TekkenLover is a moron. Beel is lightning in a bottle. The chemistry between you two is amazing. Have this dude on as much as he wants to come on.
Aris, do you know if I can find your commentating on DOA at WNF? I'd love to hear that.
Saturday, December 21, 2013 at 6:03 AM |
I like Rip and Rickstah but frankly you guys were running out of topics to talk. I can't count how many "what do you think of TT2?" discussions there has been. They are/were there - and yup they talked when asked - but they didn't bring anything own to the table. Like ever. Beel bring own topics for discussion and has his ear to the ground with EVERYTHING from tournaments to guest characters, he's like a fucking investigative field reporter. As such he's a fresh air to the show as he does his work.
If I want it to be permanent though? No, I still <3 Rip and Rickstah and they were in a way part of building the show. But to be honest there has been lots of times when there has been major tournaments coming up and so on that I feel nobody in the room where ever aware of. Keep adding new people to the show and trying stuff out. The new layout was GREAT minus the fuckup. You've come a long way but you're still trying to find the perfect format. You're getting there.
Reader Comments (4)
aris can u bring back rick and rip, this bill is like a fail aborted child of kim jung un, he spits too much can't understand what the is he saying.
I love rip and rick, but TekkenLover is a moron. Beel is lightning in a bottle. The chemistry between you two is amazing. Have this dude on as much as he wants to come on.
Aris, do you know if I can find your commentating on DOA at WNF? I'd love to hear that.
shut up jimmy,
I like Rip and Rickstah but frankly you guys were running out of topics to talk. I can't count how many "what do you think of TT2?" discussions there has been. They are/were there - and yup they talked when asked - but they didn't bring anything own to the table. Like ever. Beel bring own topics for discussion and has his ear to the ground with EVERYTHING from tournaments to guest characters, he's like a fucking investigative field reporter. As such he's a fresh air to the show as he does his work.
If I want it to be permanent though? No, I still <3 Rip and Rickstah and they were in a way part of building the show. But to be honest there has been lots of times when there has been major tournaments coming up and so on that I feel nobody in the room where ever aware of. Keep adding new people to the show and trying stuff out. The new layout was GREAT minus the fuckup. You've come a long way but you're still trying to find the perfect format. You're getting there.