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Entries in YOU@KYSG (2)


Going Out of Bounds in Tekken 7

It's a known bug in the series but you can't help but smile everytime you see it happen. Once again, boundaries in Tekken stages have been broken and it's interesting to see what's out there beyond the stage edges. It makes for a cool way to closely admire some of the work and effort that goes into designing some of Tekken's stages since you can get a more close and better view of the details in the background. The method to boundary break the stages is reproduceable and the video up on the theater10 YouTube channel shows you how it is performed.

theater10 ≫

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TTT2 - Adding Tag Button to Bound Move Inputs Alters Tracking

While we all know that pressing the Tag button with the input of a bound move brings in the partner character for a TA combo, it seems that it adds a little more changes to a move's properties in how it tracks. As YOU@KYSG demonstrates in the following video, the second hit of Nina's Ivory cutter gains further tracking to Nina's left after a blocked jab. This is the example used within the video but it's been documented that other bound moves like Jin's ff+3, Kazuya's d/b+2, Dragunov's wr+2 and ff+2 and several other bound moves gain additional tracking with the added tag button input. It's an interesting bit of information to know and maybe worth adding to your gameplay. The video (neta100) is from theater10's YouTube channel and there's further documentation on this on YOU@KYSG's Zexi page.

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