Tekken 7 v4.00 patch notes

Season 4 begins today, with the new character Kunimitsu to launch tomorrow for Tekken 7. Version 4.00 brings a large list of balance changes, online improvements, some added functionality and improvements to the game which are all available to download right now. Get the full details on the balance changes and patch details over on the Bandai Namco EU webpage:
Tekken 7 Version 4.00 ≫ https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/tekken/news/season-4-of-tekken-7-has-now-started
Version 4.00 Balance Changes (Zip file) ≫ https://media-center.bandainamcoent.eu/games/tekken/tekken-7/TK7_Gamebalance_V400.zip