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Entries in nobi (45)


Nobi Gaisen Cup - MASTERCUP Assault Category Summer 2015 Announced

Another whopper of a name. MASTERCUP has recently announced a new tournament being held in Japan for Tekken 7 - The Nobi Gaisen Cup. The 'gaisen' bit on the name means a big triumphant return so this tournament is being held to celebrate Nobi's victory at EVO this year. The current format for this tournament is 3on3 with team entrees limited to 36 teams in total so it's not a huge tournament but it could expand in the future. It's going to be held in Namco's Hakata Bus Terminal Arcade on the 30th of August so the tournament is not too far away from now. Should more details on the tournament including a stream or videos come in the future, we'll let you know. For now, the tournament details and in-game prizes are now available.


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Tekken 7 - Nobi & Shou's Tier Lists + Karei VS Kagemaru Match Videos

Just to blaze through introductions real quick - Nobi is Japan's proclaimed #01 Tekken player currently (generally considered) while Shou is a reputable Devil Jin player who had his major hey day back in Tekken 5 when he won SBO 2006. Karei while not as well known, he was a Tekken Emperor ranked Lars / Jinpachi player in TTT2 and was on AO's team that lost to Pekosu at Mastercup.5. He's also currently the highest ranked Kazumi player in Japan. Next up, Kagemaru is another high ranking player in TTT2 with his Bruce / Jack-6 team and got to rep Japan alongside Nobi in Global Championships 2013. This was his crowning moment in his Tekken career. Think that covers the gist of it all so here are the Tier lists and match videos. The Karei vs Kagemaru also ends up extending to Karei's sessions playing Tekken 7 online matches with Kazumi so there's that too. Footage is courtesy of the Enjoy Paradise arcade in Osaka Japan.

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TTT2: JDCR Comments on Nobi's Side Step List

JDCR Uploaded a portion of his stream where he critiques Nobi's infamous SS primer. He was asked by the chat on his stream to give an overview of what he personally thinks about Nobi's list. After every comment JDCR contemplates each character's options and it's a very good listen to see how arguably the world's best player thinks about the TTT2 cast. JDCR does mention that his thinking could be wrong at times when he disagrees with Nobi.

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Namco Sugamo 'Megane Off' Tekken Competition Match Videos

Back on new year's eve last year, Namco Sugamo hosted a tournament run by the resident Lee/Jin player Shudy. The Megane (lit. 'Glasses') Off ran TTT2 arcades with a new format of team tournament with the player pairings based on a system of 'Ratio' levels. The 4 ratio levels are simply based on the ranks each player has and then the teams were formed to balance out the skill level. Lower ratio players had higher number of players on their team while the higher ratio players had less players on their team or be by themselves. You can see a ratio 4 team (just Nobi) VS a team of 4x Ratio 1 players on the image above. The event was not streamed but Shudy got around to uploading the match footage on his YouTube channel. The videos were recorded with Namco Sugamo recording equipment so expect the usual booty nico quality.

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E-Sports MAX TEKKEN Showdown Nobi VS Help Me

That Japanese E-sports show recently uploaded the videos of the Nobi vs Help Me match that was broadcasted on TV onto YouTube. Much faster this time around which is nice to see. I believe there's still a Gen vs Nobi episode coming up soon so expect to see that in the near future. Nobi vs Help Me videos are courtesy of the Tokyo MX YouTube channel.

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