KNEE VS KYUSHU - Video Archives & Results from Knee's Latest Trip to Japan

When you think of Japanese Tekken players, you might often hear first about all the players in either the East (Tokyo) or West (Osaka) parts of the country. Knee has taken many trips to Japan in the past to match up against players from those areas but for this occasion, Kuro Kuro got together with Knee to head to Kyushu, Japan aka the country's south. Kyushu is the more lesser known region of Japan that is home to many major talent like Gen who came 2nd at EVO 2014, Chikurin who was a dominating TTT2 online monster, Taisei who has a large assortment of highly ranked characters and even more. Kuro Kuro streamed the entirety of Knee's deathmatching trip with Kyushu's best players and it makes for really good and classic watch of Japan vs Korea. The YouTube channel has now finished uploading all the matches and they're presented below. You can catch Kuro Kuro streaming various Tekken related events over on his Twitch channel.
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Kuro Kuro Twitch ≫