Lee / Miguel Build of Tekken 7 Playable at York Street Battles in Sydney

The latest build of Tekken 7 on PS4 is making its way across to multiple places and more events have now started coming forward and confirming the new Tekken 7 build as making an appearance. The 48th numbered York Street Battles taking place in the city of Sydney in Australia has recently announced that the new Tekken 7 build is present at the venue and open for everyone to check out. For players in the region, this is your opportunity to get hands on with the new characters; Lee & Miguel on the new version as well as check out the competition in Sydney's FG scene so be sure not to miss out. York Street Battles 48 is being held on January 28th and a stream will be prepared over on BlankaEx's Twitch channel.
York Street Battles 48 ≫ http://www.ozhadou.net/syd-leemiguel-build-of-tekken-7-playable-at-january-ysb/
Twitch Stream ≫ https://www.twitch.tv/blankaexx
Facebook Event page ≫ https://www.facebook.com/events/144735829352557
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