Watch The Nobi VS Tokido Exhibition Match on T7FR's New Mishima Building Stage

Taken place at the Japanese Press conference event for Tekken 7 Fated Retribution was once again another Nobi VS Tokido exhibition match. Once again those crazy Japanese with their production levels, they had Lenne Hardt back introducing the players and even made Nobi wear his championship ring during the exhibition. It was a short set but Nobi used his Dragunov against Tokido's Akuma in the latest build of the game which will be out next month. The build had the new Mishima Building stage which is a sprawling elevator stage with a transition to the rooftop in the later rounds. Since the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 2016 was announced, Tokido mentioned himself on the broadcast that he himself is now interested in participating in Tekken 7 tournaments so who knows, you may face off against the 'Murderface' yourself at the next tournament.
▌Nobi VS Tokido Exhibition Match
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▌Tekken 7 Fated Retribution's Mishima Building
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