Tekken 7: All 1+3 and 2+4 Throws can be broken with either 1 or 2
Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 11:26PM

Thanks again to Wonkey's hard work scouring the interwebs we've found out that the throw system in Tekken has been significantly modified. You no longer have to pay attention to which hand your opponent used to generic grab you with to break it. You just need to hit any punch button. The unique command grabs like Giant Swing, Headbutt, etc. still require you to react, but the generic 1+3 & 2+4 throws no longer demand that you read which hand came out.
Reader Comments (55)
Mashing 1 when getting thrown by King will now have excellent odds.
EDIT: What harada doesn't get is that by making the game easy, his making it harder for casual players to compete with veterans. Despite their throw break consistency, sooner or later even hardcore koreans could be thrown, Broson showed this with his Ogre grabs in evo 2013. So harada just made koreans essentially invincible against throws and took away that part of offense and in turn made pro tekken matches more boring.
First they replace bound with that tail spin bullshit, now after spending hours in TTT2 practicing throw break, turns out every motherfucker can throw break now. WTF namco? Tekken 3 (the most popular tekken game) and Tekken 6 (the best selling tekkken game) were not this stupid easy!!!
Incase anyone from namco is reading this, your not helping casual players play better against us by making the gamEretard friendly. Guess what? We invest blood and sweat into mastering this game from top to bottom... and just because you tell some who has been benching 4 plates he has to curl sissy dumbbells to make all the other pussys feel better, DOESNT make it a level playing field.
It's not about making it a level playing field. It's about making the game more accessible. Whether or not it affects Korean level gameplay is largely irrelevant.
I don't get it, will generic throws have a different throw animation than command throws? Because, if that's not the case, then when i'll see a 2 grab animation from king, i'll have to react to it anyway and not just mash, cause it could be a generic 2+4 or a tombstone. And you can't mash to break the tombstone.
So, in the end, you'll have to react to king's grab accordingly anyway.
This is different for others chars that don't have command throws, in that case mashing when you'll see the hand come at you will be enough. So, if i'm not mistaken, king will have a nice advantage compared to the rest of the cast.
There are making the game more accessible by taking our feature casual players find intimidating. Like high damage bound combos and being thrown like a rag doll on line if you cant break to sace you life. And Koreans are the cream of the crop when it comes to high level tekken play, anyone who wished to play tekken at high level is compared to them, studies and learns from them.. So yeah the way the Koreans play this game fucking matters
First the players side and then this? What's next? 1 button juggle? Jeez!
The most important thing to Namco is making this game more popular to increase sales. They are not interested in how people play this game, their only concern is whether or not people actually play it. If changing a gameplay mechanic achieves that result, then that is a win for them.
Unless this change actually stops Koreans from playing the game entirely, how it affects their gameplay is largely irrelevant.
It seems some of you haven't understood this news. It means regular throws can be broken with any punch button. That's all. It's a huge change I think.
But it doesn't involve chainthrows or command grabs at all. Those will be broken the same way as it's been so far.
I don't get how this is supposed to make Koreans invincible lol. I think this will be most noticeable in low/mid level where must people struggle to break throws the regular way. Up until now, Tekken was the game where breaking throws was the hardest.
The most important thing to Namco is making this game more popular to increase sales. They are not interested in how people play this game, their only concern is whether or not people actually play it. If changing a gameplay mechanic achieves that result, then that is a win for them.
Unless this change actually stops Koreans from playing the game entirely, how it affects their gameplay is largely irrelevant.
@cosmoslayer-----> Do you mean like just frame moves of Virtua Fighter and DOA series? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9jm6lbJj54 EEWW... I hope not!
@ Luffy
99.999% of Koreans only play against other Korenas. So saying that this will give Koreans an edge makes no sense whatsoever. Who is it giving them an edge over? Themselves? Fucking LOL.
So this is their master plan to make Tekken easier?
People like Luffy are the worst for Tekken! Of course this is a good change. About 90% of the people who buy Tekken are casuals and they remain casual or sell the game because of it's retarded level of difficulty! The throwsystem was always the worst for n00bs. Still only a small percentage of those who are true Tekkenplayers can break throws consistently, and it's a good thing they made it easy and more accessible to a broader audience!
"We invest blood and sweat into mastering this game.." Ha ha.. what are you, the biggest loser on the planet? Why would you invest blood and sweat into a fucking videogame?? Do something useful, like your homework or something important instead! Most people have lives, they have friends, family, other hobbies and so on they also want to have time to enjoy. If you're a pathetic loser who sits at home for 6 hours every day and 'invest blood and sweat', that's bad on you!
They should make both the framewindow for breaking the throw bigger AND that you can press whichever button there is to break ANY throw. That' would only help Tekken!
@forest----> You should read the forums on NEOGAF and gamefaqs which this news based on. According to flying wonkey the lag of this game is bad. Hardcore tekken players should accept lag as part of this game, like traffic jam is part of work and life. Its inevitable. Thats why throw break is simplified.
Arcades have lag now? Fuck arcades then, online only for me! /joke
i really like this change a lot!
i love tekken but my reactions are not so good that i can see 3 different hand animations and pick the right break.
(and because of the lack of a local scene i almost only play online)
now with 1/2 and 1+2 i have a 50/50 chance on breaking.
this will be a huge impact on the advanced but not pro level.
for all those hardcore korean players.
think about it
easier game=more players=bigger spot on tournament=more money to win
so this change is a win win on casual and pros
I can totally see where they were going for this. As many pointed out, throw breaking has always been too rough for beginners. And, guess what -- what grabs do scrubs commonly use? Generic throws!
Whenever a player starts using command grabs, then they are usually not as as scrubby anymore and at that point of play, throw breaking will matter again for them and their opponents.
I don't think generic throws needs new animations either, because even if they are generic or not, it's always good practice!
The balance issues I see with this are too big, though. There will now only be two different breaks instead of three against characters that only has a 1+2 command throw. King will still be as powerful when it comes to throwing.
What will happen to Ling's BT throwing mixups? This will impact some characters so much.
Only if they added new command throws to several characters I would see this as something positive.
Why didn't they just take out that frame of lag? And remove throws that lead to full combo. That would have been more welcome imo.
@forest-----its the pre launch after all. so there's no offline matches yet. but then, like I posted online gaming and its partner lag is inevitable. developers and players should deal with online tactics whether they like it or not.
Ling's BT throws... that's a good question. I don't think they count as generic throws, but I don't know. They'll have to test it.