Tekken 7 Pre-Launch Version Network Related Lag & Bugs

Update: Added another video and tweet to this piece.
Tekken 7 came out in Japanese arcades and there's been a huge amount of information on it slowly trickling out. The most funniest bits to hear about the game relates to the game's online functionality since for the time being, you're forced to play online if you want to play another person. Extreme cases of in-game lag have been taped with one really bad case of the game just straight up freezing on the players. There's also some slight lag being reported from players in different parts of Japan but I guess the purpose of a 'pre-launch' version of the game is to test the online connection quality. I imagine this might be a frustrating experience should you be a paying patron of an arcade but these should be ironed out in the game's full launch version coming in March.
▌Tekken 7 Lag / Bugs
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Tekken 7 Freeze
鱒田斗耶麻 YouTube Channel ≫ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYnUCQfE1dCdAcHFT4k_X4g
ハイパーラグタイム pic.twitter.com/zyEHPHnyM0
— 天国ちょめりん (@ro_permie) February 19, 2015
さっそくバグw pic.twitter.com/ohMF26XvXL
— 天国ちょめりん (@ro_permie) February 19, 2015
Update: Video of two matches with in-game lag from Kuro Kuro's niconico stream.
Tweet: Namco Umeda Arcade has temporarily stopped people playing on Tekken 7 due to the lag.
— namco梅田店 (@namco_umeda) February 19, 2015
Reader Comments (49)
OH. MY. GOD. This is horrible!! This just shows Harada should be fired! This is totally unacceptable in 2015.
And this much lag? How can they make a game in 2015 that is so laggy? Even in a small country like Japan with high broadband fibre and superfast connections and ping, they have lag??! What does that tell you about the rest of the world?
Namco has done so many bad and odd choices with Tekken, it's mindboggeling how apologists still try to defend this shitty game from this shitty company with this even shittier director!
Look how great job Netherrealm studios has done with MKX. For every trailer, every new characterreveal you want to play it even more! The characterdesigns in that game is amazing, new characters in MKX are so good and interesting, while in Tekken we get Lucky Chloe and Lucky Shaheen and that Maxwell-dude!
In that last video, where the Kings are floating in the air. That's not even related to internetconnection issues. It's just a bad, buggy game! How can they screw it up so much, when 95% of the game is basically copy/ paste of Tekken 6?????
Checkmate, fanboys!
(If god doesn't exist, how do you explain magnets? -Checkmate, atheists!)
I remember seeing the missing floor bug on the TTT2 Jungle stage in one of Jesse Montes's videos. I guess even though it's a "new engine"/ game, some things never change.
can someone autodelete everything that cunt is posting?
and for you mr cunt you know what "pre-release" means? its like a beta in fact its more a alpha because there is still stuff missing (content)
With impulsive decisions you're making C.Mc.C I'm glad you're not in charge of the franchise, not even the end of week one and you're firing the director. There is tonnes of T7 vids on youtube, all running smoothly, if there is isolated latency issues I'm sure they will be looked at.
My main concern is the direction of the game, it doesn't look all that new. The atp live episode with JDCR and Saint saying they expect a lot more to change from the version they played for the 20th anniversary, doesn't seem to have happened.
MCunt is right.
To Ashesfall: this is not an alpha or beta bullshit.
Q: Is Namco curently earning money from Tekken 7 in arcades?
So this is comercial release. They are doing shitty job. No exuses.
wtf how did mkx reach in this game? Mkx dont even look like mkx any more. it's just injustice with some mk stuff the characters dont even fit in the new ones... maybe if the bring bk liu i'll feel good about it
Maybe someone should auto-delete all the bullshit Ashesfall post? Nobody ever agrees with you! Cunty speaks his mind and many people agree with him! It's people like Ashesfall's fault that we now have a shitty Tekken. People like him buy everything and they have NO sense of quality and no demands. Tekken 7 is basically a watered down version of Tekken 6, even 7 years later!!!
yeah sure
like kickstarter or steam early access you pay for a product it wont work well.
(you fucking DONT have to play a pre release game if you dont want too ...)
and mkx yeah i also cant wait for this game but netcode in mk9 and injustace?
also even this games got many patches.
talking about mkx like it will be perfect at release ... yeah true
oh and all those cunt followers i dont care because its hard to tell if all of you are not just mr cunt
ps: 95% out of tekken6 haha and i wont even talk about it why its so funny ...
this is a tekken fanpage if you dont like it go on but dont flame people who like the franchise
i even dont get it - i also dont go to an doa fanpage and say everyone there how much i dont like this bikini game ... ridicules
it doesnt make sense to delete my post on a tekken side with my background - you are just lucky that aris dont handle this here
1. Its a prerelease. Expect bugs
2. Mkx is 2d. 3D fighters take more resources to develope. Its a 3d game with characters that have 200 moves each.
3. Neatherrealms makes crap online, so who really takes it seriously?
there was this joke: "you're so stupid even Your LAN have lag..."
Ashesfall; I've given Aris etc a link to how to fix the commentsection on the site changing it to another format with disqus on squarespace. I really hope he takes it to heart and/or tries to implement it. People are rampantly using multiple accounts (you know who you are) and if he would let me I would go after "some" who use this place as a personal playground. I'm not directly involved with this site I just love it. I really think this problem needs to be addressed really soon and I don't think Wonkey (said so on twitter) or AAK can do anything. Aris would probably need help cause lets face it, he's not a technical genius.
The only thing that would be needed to be done is;
Reality stop being a fucking nazi. The foolishness is what makes this comment section hella funny and entertaining. Aris isn't a bitch so he probably would tell you to man up and go look at some flowers.
I'm considering removing comments all together. The news will get out there just the same and I don't like babysitting.
@aris can you tell wonkey to do a post about sodams youtube account? He is posting tekken 7 vids of him and korean player moq. One of his vids is about 20+ minutes long and he even plays nobi in one.
i didnt know that the final version is coming out on march. i thought this was the final verion, but i guess it is a good thing to find the flaws and get rid of them before t7 hit the consoles.
Noooooo Aris, don't, comments are too much joke! What is this looking at flowers talk! I thought it was about smoking weed, but Aris made some anti-weed comment on a stream so what does it refer too!
@aris i am with you 100% it goes without saying some of these poeple dont have happy lives;therefore, they take their frustrations in online chatroom. doesnt matter how t7 look they just want to bash it as you can read some of these comments. it was the same story in sdtekken. your solution or ip ban both sound extremly good. it takes alot to piss you off cuz you have the most democratic and liberal stream on twitch and pissing you off is like trying to piss off the boda. but they have managed to annoy you.
Dear Cunty, before declaring MKX your poster child for polish and stability, you might want to consider playing NRS' most recent games. You apparently haven't had the pleasure yet. Play MK9 or InJustAss. Or don't, because I can just tell you now that their net code is utter shit. Horrible, nasty shit.
Tekken's net code has always taken a huge dump on MK's, and chances are history will repeat itself with TK7.
Now all you need to do is find a website where you can whine about MK's shitty net code once MKX is out.
Oh, and Texas-"we now have a shitty Tekken"-Gollum, you don't have anything, you fool. You won't have Tekken7 for at least another 6 months. lol
Are you people serious?? Cunty's post are one of the main reason I come to this site. It's too much fun! The news is good and all, but it's him trolling basically EVERYBODY else here that's so funny. People get pissed off no matter what he says, and half the time most people actually agree with him!
Cunty for president, I say!