MASTERCUP.8 Korean Qualifier at Green Arcade on Oct. 24

A brief announcement but DJVamp over on Tekken Central announced that players in Korea are organizing a Korean Tekken 7 Qualifier event in Green Arcade on October 24th for MASTERCUP.8. Twitch is said to be organizing this qualifier with it being streamed on the Green Arcade's Twitch channel. This event will be structured similar to the MASTERCUP tournament format so teams of 5 pair up and the winning team that wins it all earn a free flight, lodging and travel to MASTERCUP.8 to compete. For those in the area looking to compete, this could be your chance to enter. For further details on the event:
Organization: Twitch × MASTERCUP
Twitch Broadcast:
Location: Green Game Land Arcade (서울특별시 영등포구 대림1동 756-4 (02 846-5176))
Date: October 24th at 18:00 (Korean local time)
Format: 1 team - 5 people
Winning team:
- Flights from Incheon airport to Tokyo, Japan. Including accommodation. (21st November - 23rd November)
- MASTERCUP.8 team entry registration (15,000 Japanese yen.)
MASTERCUP.8: November 22nd, 09:00 (Japan local time)
Registration and rules:
[공지] 일본 마스터컵8 한국대표 선발전 예선 일정 ≫
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