Red Life Destroying Glitch Discovered for King
Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 4:32AM

Perfect Input's Ortega has found another interesting bug in TTT2. When King ends a combo with a jab into the crouch throw after the bound, the game resets the tag cancel property and takes away the entire red bar. You can see this exhibited in the online match videos recorded above.
Reader Comments (6)
Whoa! Cool! It looks like it takes away all their red life, not just the red life it normally takes away.
Would have been maybe cooler if he had actually done the full combos and won the rounds tho
Game's broken!
king my new seconds main.
time to go and hax online, please don't judge me I need promotion
Actually it is not required to do a jab before the ground throw, but makes it easier to pull off. Also, the opponent must buffer tag crash, otherwise his red life remains if he decides to stay on the ground. It seems like the ground throw connects at the same frame when the tag crash command is accepted and it cancels the tag crash animation.
Interesting, but not broken by any means, this has practical application only if your combo left the opponent with lots of red life, something which a smart player rarely does anyway.