TTT2 - Wednesday Night Fights Pre Evo Edition Archive
Wonkey ON
Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 3:45AM

Aris - 「 Am I going to be the only person to take a game from Nin? At Wednesday Night Fights? 」
Rickstah - 「 Tekken Tim took a game. 」
Aris - 「 Oh yeah damn Tekken Tim.... But that was off stream it didn't count. 」
This week's WNF was too good. Brackets are here If you needed them.
▌Twitch Archive: (Tekken starts at 02:36:20)
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Reader Comments (4)
I woke up just before Kayyal died in favor of inkogs failed runback. Thanks for posting this amigo!
Aris I could listen to you commentate golf! By far the best part of Wed night fights... Great job on taking down NIN!
Props to Inkognito-sama. I hope you or one of ours from here win evo. Good luck.
soo person that plays bears is a girl?