Marshall Law DSS Tutorial
TheMainMan ON
Saturday, March 16, 2013 at 4:14AM

A brief explanation of Law's DSS! If you enjoy content like this don't forget to subscribe!
A brief explanation of Law's DSS! If you enjoy content like this don't forget to subscribe!
Reader Comments (8)
dunno about people but I am really happy that a lot of players are following Aris' example and doing tutorials for everything everywhere. 1stInFight did a pretty nice King tutorial too, btw. Good stuff.
So much of what The MAin Man said is wrong, despite his sexy accent.
"If we input b,f AFTER a move or string which can cancel to DSS, Law will..."
The b,f needs to be done BEFORE the kick hits, NOT AFTER.
He said "after a move" too. This indicates that any move that can cancel to DSS is the same cancel input, which is wrong. Punches only require b,f to cancel to DSS, not b,f,f like what he seems to say.
"Input an extra forward there at the end and Law will cancel into DSS"
A terrible explanation. The forward for DSS must be done AFTER THE KICK MOVE HAS HIT! Of course, again, no mention that there is a difference between punshes and kicks for the cancel.
"For the wall, fully hit b,f,f, and then f+3."
Wrong again! There is no need to return the stick to neutral and press a fourth direction, f+3. Marshall only needs to do SSR, 4,3,b,f,f+3 for his wall combo.
"...although you will have to forgive my stick for the excessive amount of button registrations."
What a load of bullshit!
I made a WS+4 to DSS tutorial awhile back. I think it is far superior to this piece of crap.
Aris, I am disapointed in you, too.
Okay asshole, despite your lack of manners I will give you a serious response.
1. Yes, we input b,f after we input the string. Your just looking for errors here. I never say anything about inputting stuff after a string animation has ended.
2. "like he seems to say" once again you are hearing what you want to hear.
3. "A terrible explanation"... uh, I did tell people how to do it no? What are you talking about? People have to figure out the timing for themselves.
4. 4,3, b,f,f, 3 this leads to his high hook kick. What you mean is that you can HOLD forward to get the side kick, or do what I do and input the f. I find my technique to work better!
But your tutorial will give people your perspective ofc which is good!
5. Yes, my stick often registers inputs multiple times, depending on what I am doing. It is quite common.
Your tutorial is good, so are your skills!
Main Man, I said b,f,f+3. You are making things up.
Once again, WRONG, you input b,f before the KICK has hit, punches are a completely different input, as well. Once again, you are wrong, and on so many levels.
Maybe you should try using a character before you make up bullshit tutorials for them, eh?
"You have been blocked by the owner of this video."
I can not make comments on your video on youtube anymore huh? I guess I will have to excuse your excessive amount of bullshit tutorials for characters you don't know how to use.
My Laws could beat your Laws any day of the week, so why don't you just take your video down off of youtube. It is causing Law players everywhere to mess up their DSS cancels.
Forest, what is the point of being so aggressively critical? Any kind of Tekken content on the web is a good thing, and TMM happens to be one of the most talented combo/tutorial creators out there. Think about it man, why be rude to someone who is only trying to help people. Poor form.
Don't be an enemigo, be an amigo.
Up until now, yes, his videos have been extremely dope. It is too bad that I have to set him right when it comes to Law. It really is.
Get rip here lawl