If you plan on attending Evo this year, drop by the ten/o productions booth to get your hands on some exclusive ATP merchandise. The ATP collection includes the ‘Balding Gamer Community’ hat and T-shirt and the ‘Yes Green Herb’ T-shirt available in sizes from extra small (XS) to triple extra-large (XXXL). Aris and his wares will be present at the ten/o booth over on Saturday (August 4) from 10 – 11 am so check it out if you happen to get the chance. You can also find other ranges of merchandise over there from Team Spooky, Broken Tier, Sajam, Anime Illuminati, Combo queens and more if you’re keen on taking back something special from the event. For more details and info on the booth and attendees, check out the ten/o twitter.
Ten/o Productions ≫ https://twitter.com/_ten_o_
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