Tekken 7 - Version 1.03 Balance Changelist PDF

A balance changelist for the console/PC version of Tekken 7 has finally emerged and this time for Version 1.03 which was pushed out recently. The PDF file of all the balance changes were posted on the Japanese Tekken 7 website but I went ahead and translated the list here so people can know what got changed in the latest update. These balance changelogs include Nina, Lee, Miguel, Bears, Eddy, Eliza and Akuma changes. Bandai Namco if you're reading, can you save me the effort next time and translate the changelogs of your balance notes yourself? thx.
Tekken 7 Version 1.03 PDF ≫ http://www.tk7.tekken-official.jp/pdf/update_1_03.pdf
▌Tekken 7 Version 1.03 Balance Changes
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- Ivory Cutter (1+4) damage on counter hit has been adjusted.
- Siren's Kiss (f+3) damage on counter hit has been adjusted.
Note: It was previously found that Nina's Ivory Cutter on counter hit did less damage than on normal hit so that's probably what these changes are addressing.
- After activating the Rage Drive (d/f+3+4~f) and going into Mist Step, you can now cancel the Mist Step by pushing back or side stepping.
- Silver Cyclone Unblockable (d+3+4) damage has been reduced by 20.
- Stinging Rush to Mist Step (b+3,3~f) can now be cancelled into either back or side step.
- Mist Illusion (b+1+2 parry) recovery frames have been added by 10. (Made worse.)
- Trinidad Slash (u/f+3,2,2) hitbox on the 1st hit of this string has been made bigger.
[Kuma & Panda]
- Jab Elbow Stomp (2,1,3) bug where the 2nd hit of this string's hit box would shrink after inputting the 3rd hit has been fixed.
- Killing Uppercut Grizzly Scratch (Hunting d/f+1,1) input window for the 2nd hit of this string has been reduced by 5 frames.
- Hunting to Standing (Hunting ~ Up) parrying low attacks while trying to stand up from hunting has been removed.
- Rabid Bear (fff+1+2) recovery frames have been reduced by 2. Tracking on the move has been reduced. Opponent recovers 3 frames faster after blocking this move.
[Eddy Gordo]
- Rage Art (Rage b+3+4) no longer wall or balcony breaks. Eddy now recovers 9 frames slower after hitting with the Rage Art.
- Reversao (f+3+4) reduced 'movement momentum' for your opponent after being hit by the 1st hit of this string. Pushback has been shortened.
- Mao Esquerda (d/f+1) reduced 'movement momentum' for your opponent on hit. Pushback has been shortened.
- Meia-Lua de Compasso (d/b+3+4, 4, 3) reduced 'movement momentum' for your opponent after being hit by the 1st hit of this string. Pushback has been shortened. The hitbox on the 2nd hit of this string has been made bigger.
- Helicopter (Handstand 4) reduced 'movement momentum' for your opponent after being hit by the 1st hit of this string.
Note: I'm not a Eddy player so I'm not too familiar with how exactly some of these moves got changed after hit. It's been suggested that these moves will now maybe hit more consistantly after scoring the hit with the 1st hit of these strings.
- Mid-Air Divekick (Jump qcb+3) properties on hit with an airborne opponent has been changed.
- Fireball to Moon Glide (qcf+1 or qcf+2 ~ SRK 3+4) bug where her Bloody Gauge (meter) would deplete after inputting this move in a specific timing has been fixed.
- ff+4,2, qcf+1+2 bug where she can use the EX version of the move without meter has been fixed.
- ff+4,2 into qcf,qcf+1+2 bug where she can use the Super version of the move without meter has been fixed.
- 2,2 reduced 'movement momentum' for your opponent after blocking the 1st hit of this string. Pushback on the 1st hit has also been shortened. The hitbox on the 2nd hit of this string has been made bigger.
- Down Jab into while standing (d+1~F) you recover 3 frames faster after performing a down jab and then going into standing state by pushing forward.
Note: I don't have access to Eliza on my copy of Tekken 7 on Steam so no move names for the mean time.
【System Balancing Changes】
- Fixed certain characters who's throws had not properly applied the RAGE effect.
- Akuma's Hadouken will no longer allow certain Supers to armor and go right through it for a punish. (See this video clip on this funny interaction)
- Eliza not receiving any chip damage after blocking supers have now been fixed.
- Eliza not receiving any meter after hitting or getting her EX moves blocked have now been fixed.
- Various other minor system bug fixes.

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