Aris Reviews the Soul Calibur 6 Gameplay Footage from PSX

We got a lot of footage from Soul Calibur 6 this past weekend so there are a lot of things to look over and glean about what we can expect from the new game. Here is a long and closer look over all the Soul Calibur 6 footage from Aris during a recent stream. This ended up being almost an hour long review of the footage going into detail about some of the mechanics found and comparing them to Soul Calibur games in the past. The YouTube video of the session is now up and you can find time stamps of the video below.
Avoiding The Puddle ≫
▌Reviewing PSX SC6 Footage
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00:00 -- First Look Live at the PSX SCVI Footage
10:22 -- Camera Work
13:38 -- Historical Context: Run Counters in the Soul Calibur Series
20:27 -- Being Optimistic: Patch Support, Accepting Change
21:56 -- Historical Context: SCV Comeback Mechanics - Meter Gain, Reverse Rage
26:47 -- Reverse Rage Spotted in SCVI - Reduced Damage, Damage Thresholding
32:42 -- Run Counters Spotted in SCVI - CH Properties
36:19 -- Sophie's Outfit: The Closest Look
38:11 -- Inferring a Release Date: Early 2018?
39:18 -- Meter Gain Comeback Spotted in SCVI
41:53 -- New Mechanics: Lethal Hit, Reversal Edge, Soul Charge
51:33 -- Conclusion: Glad it Exists, But Cautiously Optimistic

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