Kuro Kuro Tekken 7 Twitch Channel Archives

Kuro Kuro is doing great work lately with his niconico/Twitch streams of Tekken 7 from Japan's Akihabara Leisureland Arcade. So far, he's streaming the game daily onto those channels with the Twitch stream being in higher quality now so it's more pleasing to look at this time around. His twitch channel is a great resource for Tekken 7 footage and if you enjoy watching it, I'd recommend that you follow his channel. You can find a whole slew of Tekken 7 footage in the past broadcasts section of his Twitch channel.
Kuro Kuro's Twitch channel ≫ http://www.twitch.tv/kurokuro9696japan
Special Note - I've embedded a few archives below but I can't make them all not autoplay on open. So be prepared to pause some of them if you open this post up.
▌Twitch.tv Archives of Tekken 7
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