Tekken 7 Launch Version Imminent, New Details on Local Play in Arcades

March 18 is less then 2 days away from now and this will mark the availability of the game to arcades countrywide in Japan as well as arcades outside. The official website was just updated to provide details on the new local play functions that will be added to the game in the full launch version making it now available to play offline instead of being online only. There's also some other news to report on this build, it seems that the practice mode will be getting delayed slightly as it will now appear in arcades on March 26th. You can see the details of the offline local play in the official Tekken 7 website.
SYSTEM :: TEKKEN OFFICIAL ≫ http://www.tekken-official.jp/tk7ac/system/shop.php
▌Tekken 7 Full Launch Local Play
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- Local Play in the main menu of Tekken 7 will be available for use on March 18th. It's the blue option on the bottom left of the screen. The small text of the bottom right of the blue box will show the amount of players that are available to play against offline.
- The next menu in this mode will list all the players and the characters on the screen. You can select either the CPU to fight or another player on the system. If you chose CPU Battle, you'll show up on the list on the other connected arcade systems as available to fight.
- When T7 Practice Mode becomes available in arcades on March 26th, players will not be able to interrupt your practice session to challenge you.
- Each arcade cabinet is assigned into a Group letter on the main menu screen. You'll have to pay attention to which group your playing on since the colour will determine which players are available for you to fight. Currently, you can only fight opponents of the same letter of an opposing colour.
Group A (RED) can vs Group A (BLUE)
Group A (RED) cannot face another Group A (RED) or either Group B colours.
Key: Same colour group, different letter if you want to vs them. So depending on the amount of arcades in an arcade, you might see something like:
[ A1 ]-[ A2 ]→ Local Play
[ B3 ]-[ B4 ]→ Local Play
[ C5 ]-[ D6 ]→ Online battles.
[ E7 ]-[ F8 ]→ Online battles.
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