Soul Calibur Lost Swords Out Today on PSN

Bandai Namco Games Community Manager J. Kartje ushers in the new free-to-play, PS3 exclusive, single player only Soul Calibur: Lost Swords game on the Playstation Blog. You should be able to find the title to download and play later today when the Playstation Network updates it's game's listings. As added incentive to try the game out, logging into the game within the first four weeks grants you a set of bonus items that you can use in-game as a special gift from the Project Soul development team. If you're looking for further information on the title, Videogames Brasil recently interviewed the project's lead producer Masaaki Hoshino on the game and describes what we can see in the game for everyone.
Reader Comments (4)
My favorite single player component of any SC game was Chronicles of the Sword. I often find RTS games boring, but it was a mix of RTS + FG. Not only were you destroying towers and upgrading them but you could also fight in the stages with their own special effects against the other characters, instead of waiting helplessly for them to hit each other until one died.
Lost Swords is nothing like that, but adding quests, items, power ups, RPG elements, I think it makes it interesting. I wouldn't mind playing a hack n' slash single player SC as an extra mode, while we're at it, like T5: Devil Within. Regardless, it will be a good way to finally play the characters I want to learn and familiarize myself with their moves, without getting bored of playing Quick Battle or Arcade, like in SCV.
I don't have much time to play, because of college now, but I'll definitely give it a try. I'm mainly a Tekken and fighting game player. However, I still like other games, like Castlevania (achieving Platinum on Lords of Shadow and planning on buying Lords of Shadow 2) or MediEvil and, even though a fighting game is mostly a competitive game, it can be lots of fun for me if the single player is done right.
I have an XB360 :/
I hope they fix the servers for this game, I know it's free but you should still be able to get past the title screen!