Launch Punish Pilot Episode Hosted by KOR
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 6:30PM

A brand new show dedicated to the Tekken community from EVO2011 Tekken 6 champion KOR. He will try to cover as many things related to tactics, community management, and others things. Enjoy what he has to offer and follow him @TXDJKOR.
Launch Punish,
Tekken Tag Tournament 2,
Video in
Tekken Tag Tournament 2,

Reader Comments (11)
KOR You are a bitch, and you play a gay ass character. Wireless pads are banned, and rightly so. A huge joke you campaigning about it when you yourself were responsibile for one of the worst interruptions I have ever seen due to home button press.
Be a man and use a stick yah metrosexual pansy. There I said it :P
Is it a robot showcasing the uncanny valley or a teen vampire reject? I just can't tell by the thumbnail
"EVO2011 Tekken 6 champion"- yeah, we all know how great that Bobfest was. EVO2011 finals pretty much sent Tekken6 to its grave. Even tekken players got bored watching it.
What a whiner. 3/5 rounds and 3/5 games? yeah right. he should just smoothly transition to gay porn .
hate...atleast he is contributing. I wouldnt discourage it.
Why the fuck are people hating on him? I thought in Tekken community we would respect people that are talented in this very difficult game. Also he is contributing and still gives a shit about a game most people seem to have stopped playing...
People hating on his Bob at the Evo finals should understand that it was the only way to win. Most people play to win and you do whatever tactic that's required to win. That's a sign of intelligence. Should he not played the way he played and more falshy, and lost?
Hating on Kor is more complicated than him playing Bob. There's no doubt he's a talented player and one of the top in US - I actually love watching him play. The hate didn't start at EVO either. There is his 3/5 movement that people didn't agree upon to his recent pad movement (where many would argue that he's manipulating things to make it look his way) and controllers. In this clip above he blames his controller for loosing "I should probably replace my pad", being a male model that's extremly concerned about his hair doesn't help either or the way he gets riled up and sort of bad mannered at losing games jumping in his seat and that's not to mention him pausing the game twice in controversial situations etc. He was absolutely braindead and without character at crossassault also and deemed a free win to the point that nobody cared about him more than cannonfodder.
All of the above is sort of a rundown, not my own opinions, as to why he's a bit controversial. The hate started with the pausing as I said. Personally I appreciate this show a lot and how he seems really knowledgable about other scenes and so on. I think his Bob play is miles ahead of Fab's and to be honest what he did at final round was really surprising and next level shit.
Not gonna lie, I found it to be a tad boring at times. I thought the production values are extremely high, though.
Maybe if Kor had someone to talk to, and there was a back and forth dialogue, it would spice things up.
doesnt he realise how ugly and retarded his rubbish stupid hair looks
New content for this game is always appreciated. But this is just a little shallow for this point in the game. There are basics tutorials out there that just do a better job.
I love the match analysis idea, but again, this was just a little bit shallow. If you're going to analyze a match, analyze the whole thing, and be specific! I'm sure there are tons of people in the Tekken community that would love a match analysis on par with UltraDavid's capcom analyses.
No hate for Kor here. Seems like a good guy. Though I don't share his fashion sense, I think he's really helpful for a lot of people, and one of the nicer heads of the Tekken scene.
Reality pretty much nailed it on the head why I dislike the guy. Yeah he maybe one of Americas best players, but that's no big thing :P. I also can't stand his character with a passion and his antics (or lack their of) on cross assault was mind numbing. It was embarrassing.
This latest hypocrisy about the wirepads pushed me over the edge. It wouldn't be so hard on him if he wasn't one of the main reasons why this is the case!