ATP LIVE! - Pilot Episode Tonight at 8pm PST
Aris ON
Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 11:54AM

Tune in tonight for the test episode of what I hope becomes a weekly live show covering...whatever I want. If everything goes according to plan, ATP Live will air on twitch every Thursday at 8pm PST. The show will have a similar format to the old ATP podcast. On tonight's show, Rickstah and Rip will be joining me to discuss topics involving Injustice and TTT2 as well as a recap of WNF. I will be uploading these to Youtube for those people who are unable to tune in live. If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see covered on the show, leave them in the comments!
Reader Comments (10)
This time El Presidente means business!
Too early.
Oh I can't wait for this! I'm gonna be all up in the stream chat causing hell an....BANNED.
Just don't forget to call somebody out at the end of the show.
You should also have a segment at the end of the show for taking a few questions from chat or through Twitter.
Damn, 4am. Guess it's youtube for me.
I wanna know what you guys think about the damage scaling in Injustice, specifically for the supers. As of right now, there's almost never a reason to use any character's super, especially if you can combo into it. Since most characters can get more damage by using 1 or 2 meters than using a full super, they're almost obsolete. I feel that if someone is going to burn their whole meter there should be a higher reward. I think this will add more hype to matches. What do you guys think?
I would like for you to discuss some broader issue.
Maybe you could philosophise about the way fighting game players are. With that I mean that you have two main types of players.
1. The hardcore, fighitng games loving, tournament joining, born-with-quick-reflexes kind of players. Probably 20-30% of the buyers.
2. The casual, not-too-much-time-and-effort-using, not-too-quick-reflexes, no-in depth-knowledge kind of players. Probably 70-80% of the buyers.
Now, there is no doubt that people should use time and effort and acquire in depth knowledge to be good at fighting games, or everything in life actually (play guitar, chess..whatever. Must practice!)
But, the problem is that most people buying the fighting games are not that kind of people. So how should the balancing be done? Who should the developers prioritize? And why? Developers are not running any charity, they want money. So maybe by creating and balancing the game in a way that it is more easy to get in to, or at least easier to execute moves is the way to go to expand this genre's popularity?
An example is how MK9 had easy inputs, no quarter circle required. Only down and front. Also the latest cry on the internet to patch fucking Deathstroke. I mainly agree with that. I mean why even put a character in a game, that has the ability to just eliminate 90% of the players and demands that sort of commitment to get around? Who is that fun for? That just makes people not wanting to play the game anyomore
I personally wouldn't mind if some inputs in Tekken were easier. Like advanced movement is still far too difficult in relation to how important it is to master even at intermediate levels.
But I also think that balancing should be done so the game isn't broken for the top tournament players. But they are such small group. And a game can both be easy and accessable and not broken at the same time. It's not like these two factors are opposite and excluding to each others. What do you think?
So there you have it. Some fuel for an interesting debate. I would definetly tune in for that!
Dr Bhup had great ideas. I wish you could get two people to agree that the looser of a FT5 has to eat a ghost pepper on stream live or something though. Just have milk nearbye. Would give you a fucked up ratingsboost. If you want to be a pussy about it; you and rip can have a FT5 where the looser has to listen to the scatman song nonstop in repeat for his upcoming broadcast (atleast 2 hours) - all tekkentunes should be set to scatman everystage cause "if scatman can do it, so can you" wearing a trashbag. Something like that.
Just make it fucked up and an alternative to all the other shows trying to be e-sports.
Also; in general - I think you really have to have an agenda almost for each show. Otherwise, sure, you can hipshoot it once or twice but after that you will be running on fumes.
Another tip is; don't underestimate the ego's of streammonsters. While capturing the show try to put up a small window of the streamchat so that people can be FMOUS! \o/ and see themselves onstream. If someone fucks up to hard or is just trolling simply ban them.
Other things worth talking about;
Who are going to evo? Who do you guys think will be contenders? How do you and Rip or Rickstah prepare for a big event like Evo and what are the effects on your gameplay before and after it?
Review fucking Injustice onstream with Rip and Rickstah. Don't wuzz out.
So what if the MK community will go bananas; it will give ratings and reactions -> more viewers for your show. See the ghost pepper logic.
Current view of all people there on the top 5 characters in the game? What makes a good tourney character? Why are some people good in tournaments and some in deathmatches?
Has the gap between jp/korea and USA widened once more? Looking at the end of T6 as compared to now in TT2 that is. Spare us the "they have arcades" explanation though cause that's just dull haha
Anyways, have fun, but try to have something preplanned. You should look up on how to get people on your show through Skype also so you can have basically anyone on there not just Socal - you need to broaden your view and get everybody involved fast or it will just be a show about incest stroking sooner or later.
Is Rip wearing spaghetti?? Catface.
Oh, last thing. You should maybe before each show like this make a post where people can write down suggestions on what to ask the guests (Rip and Rickstah in this case). But make it so that a moderator has to approve all posts and don't approve any of the questions to be posted public so your guests can't prepare for them. Then pick out the ones you want. It will be a good 10-15min of hilarity ensued.
Suggestions on fixed points for the show:
Humiliation deathmatch
A certain topic discussed upon
Q&A with guests from visitors of the site and twitter and the likes
Contest to design a new ATP tshirt; show of suggestions that you get in on stream
Call a famous player / personality up on Skype for some fucked up reason; ask NYC Fab or Naps how they train before Evo or tips on what they see new players do wrong when learning the game you could also ask mr Naps what the code is for inputting his transformation into Subzero if he's already morphed into Scorpion
Online adventures - make a bet first about something (How many cakefaces can Rip land in 10 minutes?) - play with streammonsters if they have a good connection (you could do a roundrobin with rickstah rip and you and a lobby). If not get someone like Runitblack on the other end to play you guys online
Retardgame challenge; Random fightinggame that sucks like james buster douglas boxing or something played versus. This time you could make Rickstah meet Rip in VF while you commentate with Insomnotek.
Story telling here and there
Calling someone a bitch at the end
Cooking with El presidente. El Presidente picks the most retarded post in a forum (8w run, here, TZ, wherever - ZTS can't apply due to legal reasons). Can't really think of anything good but he should have his own segment.
Aris smelling Wendy the cleaninglady with a creepercam "cause streammonsters wanted it" Kappa
Hyped for the show <3
supers in injustice are worth it sometimes because they cant wager out of it.