TTT2 - Ling's db+3 Double Bound Bug Explained Plus More
Aris ON
Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 2:22AM

This bug is extremely hard to replicate by hand which is what made it a huge pain in my ass to record. I was going to test to see if Bryan can do this with his taunt or if Yoshi can with his 1+2+3, but I got tired of testing. I'll leave that to the Bryan and Yoshi players out there. Bug was originally showcased in a video uploaded by PIER21.
Reader Comments (4)
I'm not happy until I read at least one LEAVE IT IN! Don't patch to soon! She was to weak this makes her interesting! style post from a ling avatar long time user / "i only play girls" player
patch please
it seems it would be really tough to get anything out of it unless you could hit the second bound during a wall splat, which of course would take a massive amount of read and execution.
it doesn't do any damage, and ling would already get a follow up anyway. basically it's aesthetic right now. it could possibly give a better angle for a more damaging ender, but still, wouldn't be game-breaking.
now if a ling player had perfect execution, then he/she would be able to bound in the middle of a stage, then again at the wall. what this would do is allow the tag to finish and leave long enough for ling to summon a second tag assault. notice how in both videos, the tag is still on stage when she does her second bound thus nullifying a possible 2nd tag assault.
the player with ridiculous execution would have to tag assault, get a wall splat for ling, and also be close enough with her to execute a one-frame bound/link against the wall for any bonus damage off this glitch.
let's compare:
a basic combo would be, launch>links>bound>tag assault>ender.
with the glitch, launch>links>bound>tag assault>non-damaging 2nd bound>ender.
for this glitch to make any significant applications, it would have to have some sort of bonus damage:
launch>link>bound>tag assault>non-damaging 2nd bound>2ND TAG ASSAULT>ender.
launch>link>bound>tag assault>link>non-damaging 2nd bound>2ND TAG ASSAULT>ender.
i put in all caps the "2nd tag assault" because that's the only real bonus damage anyone would receive from this glitch and nobody even knows if a 2nd tag assault is even possible. remember that this is a one-frame bound/link and would have to include a wall since she couldn't get close enough in time otherwise since the move has such a small hit-box.
anyone who could get 2nd tag assault damage in practice would be impressive. anyone who could pull this off in a real game would not be human.
i just thought of another possible way for a ling team to get bonus damage from this glitch.
ling would have to link into a wall splat after the first bound. the combo would have to look something like this:
launch>links>bound>LINKS>2nd bound>tag assault>ender.
again, i put into all caps "links" because that would be the only possible bonus damage she would receive. otherwise, a player would just put a tag assault, or a combo ender there.