HitBox Tutorial for Tekken
Aris ON
Friday, February 8, 2013 at 1:02PM

I told the whole internet months ago that this thing was cheap. Check out tutorials on how to Korean Back Dash, Wave dash, OTGF and EWGF below. Along with a link to their official web site.
Reader Comments (19)
I think it's genius. Why didn't I think of this myself?
Oh well. I can see why vets would hate it.
"Son, back MY day, we walked to the arcade, uphill, in the snow, barefoot, and we used a joystick. And we LIKED IT, boy!! None of these here new fangled gadgetry!"
why stifle progressiveness. fear of the unknown. -Help Me
I use hitbox. And it feels like cheating, it's that easy!
Remember months ago I use to bitch about how I couldn't pull of Korean backdashcancels and whatnot, even after practicing it for about a year? I guess some people are born with fingerdexterity and other people are not. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't do bdc on a stick or pad.
But it's not a problem anymore. I learned BDC in a week on hitbox and I leveled up my game. It feels so unfair and almost like cheating! I love the hitbox and will never use anything else as long as it is not banned!
Have you ever wanted to dash quickly forward and punish something but all that comes out is a fucking retarded hop or something? Just because you had your wrist slightly at a wrong angle or whatever? Never again! With hitbox I have totally eliminated every mis-input I had. This thing is pure brilliant!
Thanks for the plug there Billy Mays.
But wait, there's more! Order now and we'll throw in the Slap Chop, Oxyclean, and a Swiss Army knife(made in China) for free!
shouldn't be tourney legal unless the game gets patched so that you can't hold back and the push the forward button to neutral. it's just not an intended game mechanic.
if the case was i could hold back and still do motions to attack and in doing so was able to "option-select" in a manner that a joystick or pad could not, then the hitbox would definitely be banned. it's an extreme case of the same example. you're able to do something within the game's engine that the pad or joystick can not.
as for anyone who thinks that this is "progressive," i can make the same argument that using turbo to lightning legs or during tick-throws is "progressive." it's an exploit of a game mechanic that was not intended.
having the hitbox doesn't guaranty a win, but neither does using turbo so that argument is also out.
i don't run tourneys so it's not my call.
In one of the hitbox videos, they say B+F is neutral, so at best, you'd only get a neutral guard, which is inferior to holding B in many ways. Pretty sure you won't be able to block+attack. Also, someone commented on the YT page that any game that let's you block+move or attack at the same time has issues with the developer not the controller. This thing is wired for neutral so someone would have to modify it to allow true option select. Who knows, maybe this thing will cause game devs to tighten up their software for current+future games.
yeah, the wavedash video going from right to left i believe, it's easier if you hold one of the buttons as a "neutralizer." being able to block and attack was a justifiable example of a sure fire ban.
i'll simplify: is it able to do inputs that a normal pad or joystick can not?
yes, you can input both back and forward, down and up, and up to all directions at once.
does doing so become useful in any way?
yes, it aids in wavedashing and forward dashing...
because it is able to input in ways the joystick and pad can not, and in doing so has it's uses, it should not be allowed for tourney play. i mentioned if games gets patched so that it isn't possible for the hitbox to input outside of what a normal joystick or pad can input, then i don't see why it should be banned.
you're alluding to the idea that this is a software issue. i concur, but it is an issue nonetheless and has not been rectified. again, until the issue is resolved, any controller that is able to do things outside of what any standard issue controller can do should not be tourney viable.
You can Input two directions on a dual shock pad. So you can't ban them for being able to input two directions at once. It's just another advantage like people using stick instead of pad. There are also disadvantages to the fight stick. Try doing yoga flame or 360 inputs..... IMO it looks great for mishima execution. Woul let you focus on other aspects of the game like match ups and mind games etc. Problem with tekken is it's too execution heavy, people lose interest when there are easier games like mvc3 around.
I won't use one, but LOL at people crying over this. Faggots.
@old tekken vet
that may be true for the dual shock being able to do two opposing directional inputs at once, but it doesn't followup with "is it useful in any way?"
as for 360 inputs or yoga flame, or even the old yoga flame or inferno inputs, i can do both stick or pad. it's just practice. if people don't want to practice, they can do something else besides tekken.
there's a reason why tekken has been and currently still is the most popular fighting game in asia and it has nothing to do with execution barriers. it has to do with attention spans. look at the post after yours as an example of the eastern mindset of gaming versus the western mindset of gaming.
You don't allow a cricket bat in baseball so why should this be allowed.... ban this shit.
@ devil kazuya
that's not a good analogy because the hitbox is actually intended for fighting games. if the input system on fighting games were coded so that opposing directional inputs could not be inputted at the same time, then there shouldn't be anything wrong with using the hitbox in a tourney setting.
This is like typing the dead when you are supposed to be playing house of the dead.
Allow me to share my experiences with Hitbox in the norwegian tekken community. I play on a home-made htbox made from a wireless ps3-pad. So far we have had 0 winners in any tourney playing hitboxes, only stick/pad-players. I've been playing on a hitbox for about a year, and while it has certainly helped with some movement, it didn't help with my mindgames nor do I feel it has ever given me any wins. I can't for the love of god do ewgf's with it either because I haven't practiced it. The only reason I, at this point, plays better with a hitbox instead of a pad is because I haven't played with a pad in Tekken for a year, only hitbox.
Stick-players won't fare well (With movement) if you remove their stick and replace that with a pad. You get good with the tools you use the most and I prefer the hitbox because I don't get blisters using it, which I did playing with a pad.
I still find KBD-ing on a pad easier towards one direction, and oddly enough, I do iWR better towards my left with a pad with more accuracy than I do on a hitbox, and the other way around, iWR against the right side feels easier with a hitbox.
DrBhup can argue how cheap a hitbox is to use, but it certainly didn't help with his win-ratio. :D
Tekken is a setup/footsie/mindgame-fighter. The only significant tool you use is your brain and if you want to win you should improve that.
@ katt
because you haven't won a tourney with a hitbox still doesn't make it tourney viable. this argument has already been addressed.
a person who uses turbo or a programmable controller is not guaranteed wins, but those functions are either shut off or banned. since it would be too difficult for tourney organizers to stand and make sure that hitbox players are not inputting on their controllers in such a way that regular controllers can not, then currently they should be banned.
again this is only one person's opinion. what tourney organizers choose to do with their tournaments is on them. overall, it's mostly a non-issue because so many players do not use the hitbox. another reason is most people probably don't even care.
the only reason why i say anything is really for devs to address the issue and rectify it so there won't be any problem in the future whatsoever. as of now there isn't any real contender with a hitbox controller, but if devs don't look at this as a possible issue down the road, something will come up and then there will be problems that could have been avoided.
where's my last post? did i get censored?
Hey Aris! I totally agree with you that the hit box is cheap! People who uses a HITBOX, all I can say that this is for noobs who doesn't have any patience on learning the STICK or PAD. If you're playing competitively I say STICK is the thing! but If you're just a casual noob who struggles with STICK or a PAD, then this is for you. No hard feelings its the way its. And admit it you switched to HITBOX because you're having a hard time with a STICK or PAD.
@poltergiest @mrKnight
i switched to hitbox from pad, not because i have a hard time using pad, but because i was trying to learn how to play M.O.D.O.K. in marvel and sf, there are certain inputs that you have to do, that you cant do on pad or you have to play marvel using claw to plink 2,3. i dont have a problem with playing claw, but doing so at the pace of marvel is impractical, especially since 2+4 is how you would dash if you were playing claw. i could have changed to stick, but there is tech for modok that is easier on hitbox. like, just-frame grounded air-dashes. its really powerful, but if i had to do a just frame input everytime i wanted to jump with a stick, id be putting in alot of effort into a game just to jump. im not even to do any damage. just jumping would be difficult. its not the controllers fault that these inputs are easy. its "hidden tech" that the gaming community uses to exploit faulty programming. it seems like the developers intended their game to be extremely hard but actually, alot of new tech in games arent really "hidden" tech that gamers discovered. its accidental (potentially gamebreaking) tech that lazy programmers overlooked. if you want to ban the hitbox, then ban all hidden tech, because extensive combos, and plink dashing werent meant to be in the game either.
i used to play tekken alot, but the scene in vegas got really stale really fast, so i switched to marvel. i love the game, but no one in my city except jackie tran, stringbean, his brother, fade and Kray are any good. and no one wanted to play regularly. they were just good because they played the previous tekkens alot and flaked alot.
^^i said that because i didnt wanna seem like im just a marvel player looking into the tekken community and telling them to stop being so salty because i was part of the community for awhile. Drag&Zaf
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