Soul Calibur Lost Swords - Beta Test Version Announced

A Beta(β) test for the upcoming free-to-play singleplayer only game "Soul Calibur: Losts Swords" has been announced by Namco Bandai. The open Beta test will start on the 14th of November and finish on the 18th of November. To get into the Beta test, you'll have to download the 4GB β version of the game on the Playstation Network when it becomes available. Additional information on the Beta test as well as new images of the game can be found below.
▌Soul Calibur Lost Swords Ver.β
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- Beta test period: 11/14 ~ 11/18 (2013)
- Download Size: 4GB
- Available characters: Sigfriend, Mitsurugi, & Sophitia
- Available modes: Quest, Creation & Shop modes
- Available items (free of charge): Continue Ticket & AP Restore Medicine
▌Weapon Arts
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Weapon arts are powerful attacks your character can perform in battle. These are stronger versions of certain attacks and have a good chance of breaking the opponent's armor/clothing.
▌Soul Break
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Successfully destroying the opponent's armor (Soul Break) will drop treasure for you to collect and use for your own characters.
▌Support Characters
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In the game's "Quest Mode," should you be having trouble against a difficult opponent, you can summon a Support Character to the match to help you out. You can set your support character in the Partner Select screen outside of battles.
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Reader Comments (5)
PSN only! So fail! D:
Dayum, Sophitia has some nice tits. Kreygasm
In b4 vampirelolli added
Contrary to the first poster, the fact that It's a fighting game exclusive to the PS3 is the best possible thing about it.
The fact that multiconsole fighting games only keep the community divided is the absolute dumbest thing about the genre. The FGC keeps blaming everything else about the stagnation of the community when it only started falling apart when Fighting games started being multiconsole and people started picking favorites in the silly console wars.
Everything was just fine before Namco decided to make Tekken 6 multiconsole. (And SCII was multiconsole only to draw attention to the series through the guest characters.)
Is this out yet, cause I don't see it in the PS Store?