CatFace FT5 - Aris VS OFDP
Aris ON
Friday, October 19, 2012 at 11:20AM

I didn't notice much of a difference without Tekken Tunes. If I'm going to get fucking pissed, I might as well do it while listening to metal. Don't forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel amigos.
Reader Comments (10)
Keep em coming Aris. love the streams youv'e been doing lately. Very entertaining.
I don't see, how disabling Tekken tunes would do anything. You are not transmitting song data to your opponent. If anything there would probably be an improvement because it disables VOIP data over PSN which can be significant (especially with upload cap's in place on the console network's)...... I turn it on and blast metal mainly because then I don't have to listen to retard's rage at me with their already bad wifi connection's. Don't need voice data making it even worse....
raped again. I can't really say you played like shit though, ofdp just played better. Put some customs on drago and feng next time.
aris sounds like he's on speed
Watching these online ft5's with commentary makes this game actually watchable. That's nobel prize worthy.
That was definietly a Stone Knight and a Black knight
You should play that Blazing Peanut guy or whatever he is called, you played him in a FT5 on Rip's Bogus Journey, now the online is playable re-match him.
Too many Jacks. You need some non-standard character opponents *coughRavencough*.
17:00 ROFL. what's up with that shit.
Very entertaining, love the dark souls references lol.