TTT2: New Arcade Update Ver. H05 Includes Character Balance Changes

TEKKEN-NET has just confirmed several details of character balance and system changes that is coming in the H05 update for the arcade versions of Tekken Tag Tournament 2. The update is currently planned to go live over in arcades at Thursday, Oct. 18 from 7:00 am. You can see what the update includes below.
Details Regarding TEKKEN Unlimited Update (H05):
An update for the arcade game TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2 UNLIMITED is scheduled for release.
After this update is applied, the game balancing adjustments made to the home console version of TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2 will also be reflected in the arcade version. Game balancing in both the arcade and home console versions will be the same, so you can practice at home and then play at the arcade.
<> Update Release Schedule
Thursday, Oct. 18 from 7:00 am
* Times may vary depending on the location.
<> Update Version Number
Ver. H05
* Once the update has been applied, "H05" should appear at the upper right of the arcade title screen.
<> Update Details
- Adjustments to game balance, including customization item commands.
- Fixes for display glitches.
- In Tag vs. Solo matches, the character on the Solo side will perform a special action at the start of the match.
- In Tag vs. Solo matches, the total health for the Tag characters have been increased.
- One additional Tag Throw variation has been added.
- Compatibility parameters for the Xiaoyu/Alisa tag team have been updated.
Character Balance Changes:
- 1+4 Timing of move during side step has been adjusted.
- d+3+4,1+2 Move changed to homing attack when transitioning to Destructive Form
- DES f+2 Number of hits limited when performed during a wall combo.
Ogre(True Ogre)
- d/b+1 Opponent's reaction when hit changed so that it remains the same regardless of whether the Tag button is pressed or not.
- f+3 Recovery time adjusted for inputting f+3 after whiffing.
- ss+3,d+1+2 Move changed to homing attack when transitioning to Phoenix.
- 1+4 Timing of move during side step has been adjusted
- 2+3 Timing of move during side step has been adjusted
- 3+4 Timing of move during side step has been adjusted
-f+3+4,1+2,1,2 Opponent's recovery time increased when hit
- f,f+3 Recovery time after hit changed so that it remains the same regardless of whether the Tag button is pressed or not.
- 1+3 Tag Throw when partnered with Kazuya added.
- While mimicking Xiaoyu. Behavior when side stepping with back towards opponent has been made the same as Xiaoyu.
- f,f,N+3+4 Input timing adjusted.
Marshall Law
- 2,2,1,2 Tag Assault transition timing shortened.
- DSS f+4 Opponent's behavior after hit changed.
- DFS f+4 Opponent's behavior after hit changed.
- f,f+2,3 Opponent's behavior after hit changed.
- U/F+4,3 Opponent's behavior after hit in mid-air changed
Roger Jr.
- b+1,2,1,4,3,3,3 Tag Assault transition timing adjusted.
Reader Comments (8)
Interesting changes....
Yo Aris I want a mp3 link for the latest podcast like the first one so I can put it on my mp3 player. Did you forget to put it up? Don't want to stare at a youtube for 1h plus amigo.
@reality, Should be ready by the end of the day.
Not gonna lie, when i saw "character balance changes" i got a little worried they were gonna fuck shit up, SC5 Style.
"Fixes for display glitches."
what does that mean aris?
so does that mean console characters will be released to the arcade?
They don't go into detail about what display glitches but it shouldn't be too severe. It was probably some icon or something that keeps popping up or incorrect spelling of sorts.
Oh and no word on when the console characters will be released to the arcades.
the first thing I'd fix is the staple damage off of a Chreddy Safe, 14F, Counter Hit Confirm~able Mid Combo starter that can lead to mix ups on block.... CH b+1,4
Keeping the move and the mix ups is potentially fine... just scale that ludicrous damage please ^_^