Tekken 6: Rain's Steve VS. Sodam's Ling
Aris ON
Sunday, January 9, 2011 at 1:09PM

TekkenCrashS2 has uploaded a long set of Rain's Steve VS. Sodam's Ling. These matches are packed with interesting setups and strategies. Check them out below.
Reader Comments (4)
That's why they call Sodam the king of oki. ;)
The strategy with Xiaoyu's b+2 taking the primary role in Sodam's poke game was interesting. I was worried for the first few videos why Sodam was not using fundamental defense at all, though. Did not really see any setups or anything that I didn't know already on my own, but the over all mindset Sodam had in these matches is something I am going to analyze. Oh, and Rain played good too.
i don't know anything about xiaoyu, but damn that xiaoyu player had some nice mixups/mindgames. and rain............on point as always ^_^
I sometimes use Xiaoyu. If I connect any launcher, even VS back turned, I am going to use f+3,1. Why any Xiaoyu player would use 1,d+2 instead is completely beyond me. But there were many good combos from Sodam. Nothing to write home about though, IMO.
This was an all-out slugfest from the get-go, really. Not much dackdashing at all. Just attack, attack. Lots of df+1's from Steve. Xiaoyu did use stances alot. Not much whiffing from either player. A couple of times, Steve was about 8 points away from getting a KO while comboing Xiaoyu and Steve cut his combo short in favour of OKI when just finishing the combo would have gotten the KO. While doing a combo, I guess you should have one eye on your combo and the other eye on their health meter.