2011: The Year Of The Gay Mustache
Aris ON
Monday, January 10, 2011 at 5:33PM

It seems that the mustache is making a comeback in a big way. First it was Heihachi in the Tag 2 trailer and now Haggar has somehow made his way out of the 90s as one of the newest characters announced for MVC3. Check out some new gameplay footage of Haggar below. Word on the street is that this game takes a huge dump all over SF4. The true question is, what is the next mustache that will be unveiled for 2011. My prediction is that Mortal Kombat's Styker will be sporting a serious cop mustache.
Reader Comments (8)
maybe im a noob... but haggar just looks like a Don Frye skin for Zangief.. with a pipe..
Shang tsung will beat that
The reason that MVSC3 takes a huge shit all over SSFIV is b/c the game is really rubbish and if it wasn't for the scene being so good I wouldn't play it at all. Thank god Marvel is coming out next month, SSFIV is about to be a nice coster.
wtf is up with that omnipresent ad? intentional for this post?
Hah, I assume that's Google flexing it's muscle.
Reminds me of the part in SuperTroopers, when Ramathorn is asking who wants a mustache ride
Son, there can never be about facial hair in games.
Holy cow Jean Grey looks more powerful than Magneto or Storm. Haggar's win pose was not the gayest win pose I have ever seen. I have seen gayer win poses. That win pose was pretty gay though. Have I said the phrase, "gay win pose" enough?